Page 68 of Captive Mate

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That was ridiculous. My father had a balance of power to distribute, something lesser beings couldn’t understand. That much I’d studied over the years, gleaning as much of his innate knowledge as possible.

I had to admit that his job as God of Creation was brutal.

“As I told Lieutenant Manta, not unless absolutely necessary.” I glanced at him, noticing his discontent. We were all on edge. That was something I’d need to continue reminding myself.

He snorted. “They are in position to do significant damage to our ship. Their new systems are online and ready.”

“They allowed you to see that without their cloaking device.”

“Yeah. It was less than three nanoseconds, but I am certain it was done as a threat.”

I wouldn’t put it past the Tantians.

The lieutenant was the other man I’d told about the quest, considered a trusted advisor. However, it would seem both Zican and Grazine were in need of readjustment. My father had often told me I ran a loose ship, at least with regard to my lieutenants. Perhaps he was right, yet I was well aware we were all weary, eager to return home. Now we could do so, something he’d yet to accept or acknowledge.

“Maintain our current position. If they fire on the Earth Station, initiate a warning. If they make an attempt again, destroy them.”

“I thought you didn’t want to start a war.”

“I’ve already stated my parameters. That moon planet is not to be annihilated.”

“Because that’s your girlfriend’s place of residence?”

“Be very careful, Lieutenant,” I told him, drawing closer.

He looked down at the ship’s floor out of respect and I took a step away. “It is true what they say about human females.”

“Which is?”

“That males of every species lose their minds. The human should be in a cage, by the way. She will increase the wedge between our people. Mating or no mating, Commander, you are risking everything we hold dear.”

I was cranky as fuck, taking two long strides in his direction. When I cracked my arm across his face, sending him reeling across the deck, four of my other soldiers stood, their shock evident.

“You do not speak about the future queen in that regard.” When he didn’t act contrite enough, I wrapped my fingers around his throat, yanking him to his feet, slamming him twice against the hull of the ship.

“Queen? That’s blasphemous. None of our people will ever accept her.”

I issued a heated breath, lightly searing his skin.

At least Grazine was smart enough to shut his mouth at that point. “Do not rile me, Grazine. Yes, I am very concerned about our people and their future, but I have no choice. Neither do you if you want to continue commanding by my side. Now, I believe I’ve made myself very clear.”

He sucked in his breath, his eyes close to forming a blaze. All I needed to do was to cock my head and he lowered his gaze. How fortunate for him. He would be allowed to live.

I slowly let him down seconds later, keeping my firm hold, my rage still intact.

“It was not my intentions to challenge you, Commander. However, I’m concerned about your welfare.”

Concerned. I wasn’t certain whether he was worried about me or saving his own hide. Either way, I wasn’t in the mood.

“Set a course for Vektor,” I ordered another lieutenant. “But hold our position and send a communication to the Tantians that they are to leave the airspace, or they will be removed.”

“Yes, Commander.”

My second in charge remained shocked yet knew better than to fight my hold. I squeezed my fingers around his scaly flesh, shaking my head. I hadn’t been this enraged in a long time. Only when his face had turned an enchanting shade of purple did I let go. Then he took a deep breath, and I sensed his discord had turned into repulsion.

“The human has already changed you as I feared.”

Snarling, I held my glare. “That is none of your concern, Lieutenant. She and her companion are guests on this ship. They will be treated accordingly. And if you utter another word of disrespect, you will be imprisoned awaiting trial when I determine I have enough time to deal with you. As for now, you are relieved of your duties.” I held my glare toward Lieutenant Barto, waiting to see if he had the audacity to challenge me a second time. He was a staunch believer that humans were not only worthless but disposable. Although I had a feeling he wouldn’t mind burying his cock deep inside a sweet pussy like I’d found.
