Page 73 of Captive Mate

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“There are forces working against me. I need your cooperation.”

“I see.” I walked closer, which seemed to surprise him. “You don’t know who this enemy is, do you?”

“I do not. But there is danger surrounding us.”

“Then what are you going to do?”

He took a deep breath, holding it for several seconds. “Protect the woman who belongs to me.”

“I appreciate the possessiveness but you’re one man, one beast.”

“Yes, but I have an army. No one will ever hurt you. Lest. They. Die.”

There was so much conviction in his voice, his jaw clenched more than I’d seen it before. I knew as well as anyone that chemical reactions often caused false emotions, allowing people to care about someone when they shouldn’t. Yet there was something different about him. Something had happened in the space of the last thirty minutes that he’d been gone. I was certain of it.

“What aren’t you telling me?” I closed the distance, placing my hand on his chest. The energy was off the charts, so much so that the electric jab of current yanked my breath away. Moaning, stars floated in front of my eyes and for a few seconds, I couldn’t see anything in front of me. “Why are we so connected? I feel everything you’re feeling. Pain. Anger. Someone betrayed you.”

He slipped his hand around the back of my neck, squeezing. Not with anger or threats, but with the need to feel even more tethered. “You were always mine. I just didn’t understand.”

“Destiny. How?”

“I do not know, little human. But I do know what I feel, a need so intense that I doubt I can breathe without you. It is as uncertain for me as it is for you.”

I brushed my fingers up and down his chest, marveling in the tingling sensations coursing through them, the jolts traveling all the way to my toes. When he slipped his other arm around me, sliding his arm under my bottom and lifting me off the floor, I didn’t object. There was so much desire racing through us that the haze of lust was unstoppable.

We were at the same height, his gorgeous face inches from mine. “Your eyes are like firecrackers.”

“Yours are like the depth of the ocean.”

“How would you know?”

“Because I can see it in your mind. I can see how beautiful you believe your Earth to be.”

“But I’ve never seen it. Perhaps I never will, but I want to more than anything,” I whispered, brushing the backs of my fingers across his jaw. It was so strange to feel so protected in the arms of someone I’d called a monster only a couple of hours before. And I’d meant it. “My mother told me about how beautiful everything used to be. She has pictures from generations ago. It was so stunning, breathtaking really.”

He pulled my head closer. “You’re breathtaking, little human. And no, I don’t fully understand our connection, but my need for you only increases.”

“The blood you took from me.”

“Yes, that is part of the reason but not the entirety. Taking your blood produces an enzyme that heightens your pleasure. I will enjoy ravaging you several times a day.” There was such a power in him, a need so all-consuming that I remained mesmerized, quivering in his arms. I pressed my hand against his chest. But I wasn’t trying to push him away. Wanting him closer, I wrapped my fingers around his shirt, tugging as if I had any control whatsoever.

This was lust and nothing more, but I couldn’t ignore my longing any more than he was able. He captured my mouth, holding our lips together. With the way he’d taken me before, there’d been explosive passion, but I’d been in a strange vacuum. Now, the taste of him was stronger, the need as if I’d never be able to breathe without him.

He was my drug.

My destiny.

I hated the word but there was no other one that fit the situation. He thrust his tongue inside and I was taken aback by the sensations sweeping through me. There was a tidal wave of yearning, my pussy clenching and releasing several times. His tongue had done magic on my wetness before. Now, as it explored the darkest recesses of my mouth, I was floored by how crazed it made me feel, free to unlock the chains I’d had wrapped around me.

I threw my leg around him, moaning into the kiss as he took long strides out of the room I’d been standing in. I couldn’t see anything, but it didn’t matter. I was lost in his arms, wanting nothing more than to feel the crushing weight of his body against mine.

Zatan shifted his hips back and forth, the feel of his throbbing cock driving me insane. I threw my arm around his neck, tangling my fingers in his hair. It was softer than I’d remembered, adding to the increasing tingling vibrations. I could feel the rapid beating of his heart. I almost laughed into the moment of intimacy. I hadn’t been certain the man had a heart. Now I knew better, the rapid beating indicating there were two.

When he sucked on my tongue, a wild whir of electric jolts coursed all the way to my toes. Heat spread from his touch, sweeping over me like a blazing fire. Images of flames erupting from his fingertips remained, a wild level of excitement fluttering all the way to my core.

Seconds later, he gently eased me down, keeping his long, thick fingers wrapped around the back of my neck as he issued several growls. When he broke the kiss, his jaw was clenched as it had been before, the expression on his face that of a true predator in the wild. The man was going to ravage me.

And I wanted him to. God help me, but I did.
