Page 76 of Captive Mate

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I yanked back her head by her hair as I wrapped my body around hers, my cock swelling more than normal, pulsing rapidly.

Her whimpers were as enticing as before, the smile on her face providing me with a moment of joy.

But I sensed danger lurking in the shadows, which for me wasn’t as surprising as it was disturbing. The female was far too important, but if my instincts were correct, I’d find a bounty on her head. While the reasons remained unclear, I couldn’t ignore what was staring me in the face.

It was entirely possible she was worth more dead than alive.

“What now?” she asked. “Mating? Is it different?”


“Will there be a wedding?”

I brushed my fingers down her arm, marveling at the way her skin felt against mine. “Yes, a lavish one.”

“Your whole family will be there?”


“Then I would like my family to be there.” She lifted her head, waiting for my answer.

“I will see what I can do, little human.”

“Good. This mating thing. Now? Tonight? Tomorrow? Ugh, I sound ridiculous.”

“You do not sound ridiculous, and it depends, little human. With factions working against us, that may become necessary.” I took a deep breath, filling my lungs with the scent of her. That only pushed me closer to the edge, my rage threatening to consume me.

“Wow. You really are concerned.” She eased back, her eyes darting back and forth.

I moved off the platform, heading to the cabinet where I kept some of my finest liquors. “There is a group of Vektorians who are against my father’s leadership. It is entirely possible someone close to me is betraying this mission. I’ve yet to learn if that is so or the reasons why.” I poured two glasses, returning to the bed.

She glanced at the cup then took it from my hands, our fingertips touching. She took a deep breath when they did, biting her lower lip, a very sensual move. “Why are you telling me this?”

“Because you need to be careful who you trust. Other than me.”

“Trust is earned, Zatan. You took me.”

“And you knew all along it was happening.”

She took a sip of her drink, closing her eyes almost instantly. “My destiny. It’s been planned most of my life. Right?”

Exhaling, I returned to the bed, although I couldn’t take much longer before attempting to find out what the hell was going on. “Yes.”

The way she wrinkled her nose made my cock twitch all over again. “Yes, I believe you’re right. I’ve known for a long time my parents had planned something. I just didn’t know what. Can our mating really save your people?”

“And yours as well.”

“Then I have no choice.” She opened her eyes again and I noticed they were misted, but there was a heightened level of strength and resolve in them.

“I do not claim to be a good alien, Sunny, but I will care for you and protect you until the end of time. Our children as well.”

“But what about love?”

I fought with myself prior to giving her an accurate answer. “We do not understand what you call love. Adoration, yes. Attraction, absolutely. Love is foreign.”

“You are missing out, Zatan. Love is amazing. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. That moment you walk into a room when you meet for the first time and no one else exists. The realization that you can’t live without the other person. The tingling sensations that occur when you’re close, the need to know about the other person when you’re not. The longing to spend the rest of your life with that person and no other. And the realization that if the world faded to black and you only had that single person in your life, you’d be just fine. That’s what love is. That’s what I want.”

She looked away and I cupped her jaw, forcing her to look at me. “Then I hope I can give you what you need, little human. You are worth the challenge.”
