Page 78 of Captive Mate

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“Get away from me!” I tumbled backward, fighting the nausea, fighting to move away.

He kept coming. When he was close, I noticed what he had in his hand. It was some kind of syringe. Oh, no. Oh, hell, no.

There was a fire in his eyes that terrified me. I lunged forward, refusing to continue being a victim. Then I remembered what Zatan had said. He had been betrayed.

By someone he trusted.

I lashed out, knocking my arm across his throat, shocked when he went down with a hard thud.

Zaz immediately reacted, jumping to his feet and issuing a snarl unlike anything I’d ever heard. The little dragon rushed the bastard, allowing me to try to race toward the door. It had to be unlocked. What did he think he was going to do? I lumbered forward but everything was in slow motion already.

As soon as I reached the door, I heard a sharp cry. When I tumbled backward, I landed on my butt, immediately trying to see what happened. Zaz lay on the floor, some fluid leaking out of him. “No. No! You hurt him. Why?” I tried desperately to get to my feet. I had to find a weapon of some kind. I had to get help.

The alien’s chest heaved as he turned to me, his eyes burning like a wildfire. Then he advanced, dropping down in front of me. “You will fetch a hefty price, little human. Then I will live out my life on a distant star.”

I reached out, able to scratch his face. Then he backhanded me and I was down, blinking rapidly as anguish and the feeling of suffocation tore through me. “Zaz. Zazzy…”

As tears formed, the spots in my eyes turning black, the asshole rose to his feet, towering over me. Then all began to fade away.

I was lost and the last thing I could do was cry out for my… savior.



My father seemed amused, which was something I rarely saw in him. He was back in his freaking garden tending to his precious plants.

“You are aware that your brother had failed his mission. Yes? Even if his ship is repaired today, he will not finish the quest.”

“Which is exactly what you knew would occur.” I remained standing, trying not to react out of anger. “You are also aware he was sabotaged. Yes?”

“So he said.”

“But you don’t believe him?”

He glanced toward the screen. I could swear the powerful man had lost weight in the time since our last communication. “I knew you would prove to be the victor, my son. It is your rightful place.”

To say he had a favorite wouldn’t be the thing to do, even in our family. Sighing, I rubbed my jaw. “That might be the case, but Ravat could have been killed.”

He nodded, dismissing the entire situation. That pissed me off.

“You also knew I was intended on mating with a human because you arranged it. Didn’t you?”

“Do not challenge my authority!”

“I feel I need to, Father. You haven’t been completely honest with me for years.” The tension only increased between us, which was little more than an irritant. I wanted to lash out at him, but what good would it do?

“Let’s just say I met her a long time ago when she was very young. It was during a meeting I had with the Parliament Council. Various leaders were there. There was no denying who she was.”

“Then you made a deal with her father.”

He half laughed. “Everyone has a price.”

“For his daughter?”

“For the safety and sanctity of his people, yes. He cares very much about the human race.”

“As you did when you destroyed Earth?”
