Page 88 of Captive Mate

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“You mean that I was wrong in my ridiculous assumptions the human could outwit a highly trained soldier. Don’t you?”

Every soldier on the bridge tensed.

“It could still happen,” Grazine said quietly.

No, it wouldn’t. Our kind believed in reality, not in hope or chance. But perhaps some of Sunny’s attitude and spunk had worn off on me, or maybe spending time with her furry pup had softened me. I’d had hope.

“Plot a course for Vektor. It’s time we returned home.”

Grazine jerked to his feet, cocking his head. “You don’t want to do that, Commander. Give it additional time.”

“Don’t tell me what I don’t or do want, Lieutenant.” My voice boomed in the space, my tone harsher than normal.

None of the soldiers said anything, including Grazine.

Then Thor jumped up unexpectedly, whining and barking as he placed his paws on my chest. There was an imploring look in his eyes as if begging me not to give up hope or the search for his mistress. I lowered my head slowly, shocked when the dog swiped his long tongue across my face.

While the majority of soldiers gasped in horror, Grazine laughed. “He’s showing you a sign of affection. He’s also giving you his belief that you can find the human. Don’t abandon her, sire. That’s not what you want.”

He was right but my father had tried to contact me three times. Three times that I’d ignored. It was time to face the truth that I’d also failed in my mission, a quest that I should have accomplished easily.

If I’d allowed myself to believe in fantasies and destiny.

“Set a course for Vektor. Wait for my command before engaging. I will take your advice, Grazine. Let’s hope you are not wrong.” I eased Thor to the floor, taking long strides from the bridge. When I was sufficiently out of range, I raged inwardly, every emotion that I’d allowed myself to experience around the little human rushing through my system.

Then something strange happened, a wetness from my eyes. I dragged my fingers through it, horrified at what I’d find. Tears. I was crying over the loss. It was something I’d never done before.

Anger returned and I glanced down at Thor, rubbing his head. “I will protect you, little creature.” Only I hoped I wasn’t telling him the same lie I’d said to the human woman I… loved.

Exhaling, I started to head toward my quarters when I heard Grazine behind me.

“Commander Soltar. Wait. I think I have something.”

I spun around, my nostrils flaring. “What?”

“Allow me to show you.”

No time was taken to return to the bridge. Lieutenant Pakar was already standing in front of Grazine’s system, peering down at something curiously.

“What is it?” I repeated.

“A blip. It’s not much but it’s constant.” Grazine turned up the volume. “I wouldn’t have heard it, but I switched to different channels.”

“That’s from the transport ship,” Pakar said. “It’s a little-known communications beacon that can only be activated by the commander of the ship or by reaching through the equipment console. It was installed prior to leaving for your quest, Commander.”

“And I wasn’t told?” I demanded.

“That wasn’t my place. Remember, you were not inclined to going through the flight plan or security measures.” He glanced at me sheepishly.

He was right of course. “Are we certain it’s coming from our transport unit?”

“There is an expression humans use. It’s called making a bet. If I had to bet, I’d say I’d be a clear winner. The sound is unique to the ship.” Pakar threw me a look, his eyes lighting up.

“Can you track it?”

“Of course, sir.”

“Then do it!” I growled, shifting my gaze toward Grazine, offering him the nod of respect this time.
