Page 93 of Captive Mate

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I stood back a few inches, nodding to myself. “We will but not right away. I need to do damage control from my father’s reign.” That would take months to undo some of the atrocities, but it was already in motion.

“Ah. Yes, the veterinary clinic is fully operational. Your bride will be happy, especially since the furry creatures you requested have also arrived. You do know that eventually, our planet will be overrun by dogs. Such strange creatures.”

“Yes, but that will make my bride happy. Plus, they make excellent pets. Don’t you, Thor?” I crouched down, allowing the pup to jump into my arms. As he licked my face, I couldn’t help but laugh.

“I’m uncertain at this time. By the way, where are you going on your honeymoon?”

I shifted more of a mischievous look in his direction. “Why, Earth, my friend.”

“So the rumors are true. You used your powers to restore Earth.”

“What one god taketh away, another giveth. As my lovely bride-to-be taught me, everyone deserves a second chance, including humans. There will be controls established so they don’t destroy themselves as they’ve done before, but I have faith in Commander Fields. He’ll be controlling the planet, providing regular reports. Plus, I’ve promised Sunny that we’ll be making regular trips. The first wave of refugees will be returning in a few Earth weeks. Sunny and I are going to make certain everything is as it should be. Beaches. Mountains. Streams. Oceans. Lakes. Wildlife. Plus, I need to ensure that the infrastructure is safe, built to my satisfaction.”

“I must admit, I am impressed. Let me guess. Earth will be considered a destination for our people.”

I raked my hands through my hair, eager to spend my wedding night with my bride. “You catch on quickly, my friend.” When he shook his head, all I could do was grin. “What’s wrong?”

“You are entirely different from the man I’d grown to doubt my respect for. I mean that I always respected.”

“You are bucking for time spent in a dark cavern.”

“Speaking of which, the fact you pardoned Zican’s brother, setting him free didn’t surprise me. But your release of Zican did. Hmmm… I think the little human had changed you entirely.”

“Maybe so, Grazine. But I think for the better. Don’t you?” I rose to my full height, turning toward him.

“What is the human expression? The jury is still out.”

Grinning, I knew it was about time. “Zican will serve me in other ways, Grazine. He deserves a second chance. It would seem that’s my new motto as of late.”

He tipped his head, studying my eyes. “Hold on. Both he and his brother have construction experience. Don’t they?”

“As I said, you catch on quick. They will lead my team on Earth. It won’t be glamorous, a hell of a lot of hard work, but both men were eager to fulfill the duties I assigned.”

“Uh-huh. And it doesn’t hurt that human females will be fawning all over them either. Right?”

I shrugged. “Perks of knowing the king.”

“You are a force to be reckoned with. Now, let’s get you married. The crowd is already cheering. Plus, your human female seems to get exactly what she wants and she’s grown impatient.”

“How do you know?”

Grazine now offered a grin. “You’ll learn, my friend. A happy wife means a happy life.”

“A kingdom to rule, a woman to seduce.”

“Haven’t you already done that?”

We both laughed as he led the way toward the bride’s chamber where I would walk her onto the balcony where her surprise awaited.

As soon as I opened the doors, Sunny turned to face me. With the golden light of the afternoon sky, she was luminescent, the woman taking my breath away. As I walked closer, she lifted her chin, studying me from head to toe.

“Do you approve, my delightful bride?”

“I do. Now, let’s get this over with. The robe is itchy.”

I laughed then took her arm, ready to lead her onto the balcony. “Not before I give you your wedding presents.”

“Presents, huh? As in plural? I think I like this betting married to big, bad, brutal barbarian.”
