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I turn around, only to have my suspicion confirmed.

It’s him.

Before me stands Chase Keaton, my too-hot-to-be-true nemesis, his presence radiating an insufferably assured air. His lips curve into a maddeningly confident smile as he delivers his words with a touch of sardonic charm: “What an honor.”

And his smile widens.

Chapter 15


I’ll never get tired of that face. This wondrous blend of shock, confusion, and a kiss of awe adorning her beautiful features every time we run into each other.

And I knew she would look amazing tonight, but she exceeds all of my expectations. The crimson evening gown she wears is molded to her figure in a way that leaves little to the imagination, embracing her curves with a tantalizing grace. Her sleek brown hair is meticulously gathered into an updo, exposing the graceful curve of her neck. Delicate yet tasteful jewelry adorns her, accentuating her beauty without overpowering it.

“What the hell are you doing here?!”

And the way she always greets me with that unparalleled kindness in her voice, accompanied by that cute little frown—I doubt I’ll ever get tired of it.

“Is that just your usual MO when greeting people or do I get special treatment?” I ask.

She scoffs. “Oh, no, that’s just for you, trust me.”

She crosses her arms in front of her chest, and I feel a magnetic pull tugging at me as my gaze sweeps over her. She looks hot, beyond doubt, igniting a torrent of thoughts that shouldn’t surface in this refined setting. My mind begins to wander, tracing lines of temptation as I imagine the things I’d like to do to her.

“I take that as a compliment,” I say in a low voice—and her frown deepens.

“You shouldn’t!” she barks at me. “I’m beginning to think you’re really stalking me, Mr. Keaton.”

Hearing my name drip from those pretty lips only amplifies the battle between desire and restraint that’s silently waging within me. It’s like she’s decided to just become more and more enticing with each encounter.

“Don’t flatter yourself, Miss Hailey,” I retort.

“Then why are you here?”

“Why wouldn’t I be here? This is one of the biggest events of the year for influential figures in the public health sector. The same sector you and I both work in,” I remind her. “We’re colleagues, remember?”

“Oh, we’re definitely not colleagues,” she objects. “And whatever you’re planning to achieve here tonight, I can promise you, it won’t change anything. I’m not selling.”

If she’s already this agitated about seeing me, I’m eager to see her in a few minutes when she’ll be asked to get up on stage to receive her award. I can’t wait to see her reaction to the surprise that’s waiting for her.

“What makes you think I’m here for you? Or that I’m ‘trying to achieve’ anything?” I ask back. “I’m here to network, and for the excellent catering.”

She rolls her eyes at me. It makes me want to grab her by that pretty neck and pull her close, until that delicious body is pressed up against mine, her heart beating against my chest, while I watch her face move in reaction to my whispered threats.

“Well, fine, go network then,” she says. “You certainly don’t need me for that. We have nothing to discuss.”

“Oh, we do,” I tell her. “But not here, and not now.”

“That’s right, you’re not ruining tonight for me,” she says, and I notice the way her eyes linger on me for a second. Just long enough to let me know that she likes what she’s seeing, despite her dismissive attitude.

She nods, then swallows dryly, before ripping her gaze away from me and scanning the room, doing her best to avoid looking at me.

I grit my teeth, the slight frustration from our conversation still prickling beneath my skin. Then, Madison’s fiery gaze returns to mine, her words a cutting reminder that I’ve overstayed my welcome. “Just leave, Chase.”

I plan to do no such thing, but just as I’m about to tell her that, I’m distracted by the appearance of a ridiculously good-looking guy in a tuxedo right behind her.

“Drinks!” he announces with a cheery voice—and the sound of it has me pausing in my tracks, despite myself. My gut clenches, an irrational surge of annoyance coursing through me. His eyes flicker with something unreadable when he throws me a quick side-eye.
