Page 9 of Holiday's Cookies

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“I’m so sorry.” Her beautiful eyes fall with sadness and I don’t like it.

“Don’t be. I just found my new favorite Holiday.” She smiles, and I can’t imagine going without that smile for the rest of my life. I swallow hard.

“Thank you.”

“Can I get you folks anything to drink? Or are you ready to order?”

“Um. I’ll have a cheeseburger and Coke please, Jess,” I answer.

“Same, please.”

“What’s wrong?” I ask her.

“Christmas is my favorite,” she confesses, biting down on her bottom lip. “I mean, you’ve seen my house, right?”

“Your house?”

“Yes, it’s next door to yours.”

My brows shoot up. “Wait? You live right next door. What the hell? I could have come banging down your door last night. Where were you?”


She wasn’t home that night. The lights were completely off on the inside and there was no car in the driveway. “Please tell me you weren’t with someone else.”

Chapter Seven


I pull my hands away from his strong ones. “I told you I wasn’t like that.”

He shakes his head and grabs my hands again. “Fuck. I didn’t mean…The lights were off and I didn’t see a car, so if you weren’t home. I just meant…were you on a date?”

“No. I was hiding from you, dying from embarrassment.” My face turns pinker than it did that day.

He chuckles so deeply my pussy responds by weeping with need between my thighs. “I was inside trying to write with a massive hard-on all night thinking about getting my pretty little pervert alone.”

“I told you I’m not a pervert.” I blush, fighting indignation and embarrassment at the same time.

“Sweetheart, if I was straight staring at your tits while you were talking to me when we just met, what would you think?” His brows lift up with a cocky smirk and I want to kick him in the shins for besting me, and I probably could from under the table and nobody would be any bit the wiser, but he’s too damn cute.

He only adds insult to injury by staring directly at my breasts, licking his lips, and that goes straight to clit like he’s ringing the bell. Match is over, and he freaking won.

“Fair point. I should have looked away, but let’s just say you’re quite impressive in that area.” Yep, this blush is probably forever stained on my face.

“Holiday—I didn’t expect to see you here.” I look up and see Heath with Sandy. She’s cute. Now, they’d make a great couple because they’re both in school and the same age.

“James, this my employee, Heath. This my date and my new neighbor, James Snow.”

“Oh, the rich new guy in town. That makes sense.” My mouth falls open and my chest pounds hard. Did he just insult me? I stare at my supposed friend and employee and then look around; we clearly have garnered the attention of the tables around us.

“Excuse me. What’s that supposed to mean?” James snarls, leaning forward, flexing his fists on the table.

“She wouldn’t give any other guy in town a chance, but bring a rich guy around, and she throws herself at him.”

“Heath, I think it’s best if you don’t come into work for a while.” The words come out shaky as my lips quiver from sadness and shock.

“I’ll do you one better, Santa’s little slut. I quit.” I can feel the tears filling up, ready to spill over.
