Page 15 of Rayze

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"Nope. And I think I'm falling for him." The words sounded absurd even to my own ears.

Ali leaned back in his chair, whistling softly. "That's... wow. And I thought my situation was messed up."

I chuckled, the sound hollow. "You have no idea. We tried to... well, have sex, I guess."

Ali's eyes widened. "With a ghost? How does that even work?"

"He possessed someone. But it felt wrong, so he... sort of merged with me instead." Saying it out loud, it sounded even crazier.

Ali burst out laughing. "So, what, you were both just... masturbating with the same body?"

I shrugged, feeling a blush creep up my cheeks. "I guess you could put it that way."

Ali shook his head, still chuckling. "Man, that's above my pay grade. Don't ask me to make sense of that."

The conversation shifted then, to work and the mundane tasks that filled our days. But my mind was elsewhere, on Rayze and the impossible connection we shared. How do you navigate a relationship with a ghost? How do you reconcile the need for physical intimacy with someone who can't even touch you?

As the day wore on, my thoughts kept drifting back to Rayze. His voice in my head, his presence in my mind. It was a connection that defied logic, a bond that transcended the physical world. And yet, it was the most real thing I'd ever felt.

Leaving the lab that evening, I felt a mix of anticipation and dread. I was going back to La Societe de la Nuit, back to Rayze. Back to a relationship that was as confusing as it was compelling.

Walking into the club, the familiar sights and sounds enveloped me, but they felt distant, like I was observing them through a fog. My focus was on finding Rayze, on figuring out what we were to each other.

"Hey," I called out softly, sensing his presence nearby.

"Hey," his voice echoed in my head, a ghostly whisper that sent shivers down my spine.

"Rayze, can we talk?" I asked, my voice barely above the music.

"Yes, of course," he responded, his voice echoing in my mind, a haunting reminder of his intangible presence.

"I want to make this real, Rayze. I want to figure out a way for us to be together, even if you can't have your own body," I said, the words tumbling out in a rush of emotion.

Rayze's form flickered slightly, a sign of his surprise. "You're serious about this?"

"Yeah, damn right I am. But I know there are... moral implications with everything." I ran a hand through my hair, feeling the weight of the situation.

We moved to a quieter corner of the club, where we could talk without shouting over the music. The conversation that followed was intense, a back-and-forth of ideas and concerns.

"What if I possess someone again?" Rayze suggested, his tone hesitant.

"No, that's not right. We can't just use someone's body like that," I replied, feeling a wave of guilt at the mere thought.

"Okay, okay, you're right. What about some sort of medium? Someone who can channel me?" Rayze's suggestions were desperate, grasping at straws.

"That might work, but who? And how would we even start to find someone like that?" I frowned, feeling the complexity of our situation.

"Rowan, what about your Aunt Maeve? She's a powerful witch, right? Maybe she knows something we don't." Rayze's voice held a hint of hope.

I paused, considering it. "It's worth a try. But it's the middle of the night for her. We'll have to wait until morning."

We spent the rest of the night talking, discussing our bizarre situation and the possible ways to bridge the gap between us. It was a conversation filled with "what ifs" and "maybes," a testament to the unconventional nature of our relationship.

As the night wore on, I could feel the exhaustion setting in, both physically and emotionally. Being with Rayze, even in this limited capacity, was draining in a way I hadn't anticipated.

"Rayze, I'm gonna head home. I need some rest before I call my aunt," I said, standing up from the bar stool.

"I understand. Thank you, Rowan, for even considering this. For believing in... us," Rayze's voice was soft, filled with an emotion that resonated deep within me.
