Page 17 of Rayze

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"That was... wow," I said, still catching my breath.

"Yeah, wow," Rayze echoed, his voice filled with a mixture of awe and sadness.

We lay there in silence, the room filled with a new understanding between us. It was a connection that was both beautiful and heartbreaking, a reminder of what we could have and yet could never truly possess.

Chapter Nine - Rayze

As Rowan prepared to call Aunt Maeve, I couldn't resist the urge to be a part of the conversation. I merged with them again, this time as an observer, not wanting to control or influence the call. I just needed to hear, to understand what possibilities lay ahead for us.

Rowan dialed the number, and I felt their heartbeat quicken with anticipation. Aunt Maeve answered, her voice warm but laced with concern.

"Rowan, dear, what's this about?" she asked, her tone cautious.

"It's about... well, it's about someone I've met. He's... he's a ghost, Aunt Maeve. And I need to know if there's a way for us to be together," Rowan explained, their voice a mixture of hope and nervousness.

"A ghost, Rowan?" Aunt Maeve's voice was incredulous. "The dead aren't meant to walk among us. They're meant to move on."

I felt a pang of sadness at her words. She was right, of course. I should move on, but as long as I was here, I couldn't help wanting to make the most of it. And Rowan was a part of that, a crucial part.

"Rayze doesn't want to move on," Rowan said, a hint of defiance in their voice. I hid my thoughts from them, not wanting to add to the complexity of the situation.

"Necromancy is dark magic, Rowan. It's not to be trifled with," Aunt Maeve warned. "But I understand. I'll send you what I have."

After the call ended, I withdrew from Rowan, leaving them to process the conversation. "How long will it take for the information to ship to us?" I asked, curious about what Maeve might send.

Rowan laughed and opened their phone. To my surprise, there was already an email from Maeve, a PDF of spells attached. "Looks like we don't have to wait at all," Rowan said, a smile creeping onto their face.

We spent the next few hours poring over the PDF, trying to make sense of the ancient texts and cryptic instructions. It was a daunting task, filled with warnings and complex rituals.

"Fuck, this is heavy stuff," Rowan muttered, scrolling through the document. "Some of these spells... they're intense."

"Yeah, necromancy isn't exactly light reading," I quipped, trying to lighten the mood.

Rowan looked at me, or at least in my direction, their expression serious. "Are we sure we want to do this, Rayze? This could be dangerous."

I hesitated, torn between my desire to be with Rowan and the reality of what we were contemplating. "I don't know," I admitted. "But I know I want to be with you, in whatever way we can manage."

Rowan nodded, a determined look in their eyes. "Then let's figure this out. Together."

Watching Rowan sift through the ancient texts sent by Aunt Maeve, I felt a growing unease. Each page they turned revealed spells and rituals steeped in demands and sacrifices that made my ethereal form shudder. The more we delved into the text, the heavier the air in the room felt, thick with unspoken doubts and fears.

"These spells... they all require sacrifices, Rayze. I don’t know if I can do this," Rowan said, their voice laced with frustration. They set the phone down, rubbing their temples.

I hovered nearby, feeling helpless. "I understand. Your magic is about life and the elements, not this... not death."

Rowan looked up, their eyes glistening with tears. "I just want to be able to kiss you," they whispered, the raw emotion in their voice echoing in the silence of the room.

Their words struck me deeply, a painful reminder of our reality. I wanted to hold them, to wipe away their tears, but all I could do was watch, a silent, invisible presence.

"I want that too, Rowan," I said, my voice a mere whisper in their mind. "More than anything."

Rowan stood up, pacing the room restlessly. "It's not fair. Why does it have to be so complicated?"

I followed them, a ghostly shadow mirroring their every move. "I don't know. But we'll find a way, somehow."

Rowan stopped, looking directly where I stood. "How, Rayze? Every solution comes with a price, a sacrifice. I can't... I won’t pay that price."

I felt a surge of respect for them, for their steadfast morals. "And you shouldn't have to. We'll find another way, a better way."
