Page 107 of The Kingpin

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“Really?” Raven cocked her head.

“You obviously don’t know me that well.”

She laughed and the lilting sound was sweet music. “Let me see.” I remained where I was as she removed her heels, tossing them aside. Then she stepped into the fountain, immediately backing away. “Show me.”

I lifted my eyebrows, shaking my head.

“Come on, big boy. Show me what you have.”

“I’m going to show you what you deserve later, my wife. You scared me. You weren’t supposed to leave the venue. Remember?”

“Oops. I guess I don’t always follow the rules.”

“Uh-huh. I can tell a spanking is in order.”

“You wouldn’t on our wedding night.”

“You think?”

Raven wrinkled her nose then planted her hands on her hips. “Then come get me.”

“Oh, you’re such a tease.”

Laughing, I debated myself, glancing over my shoulder before removing my shoes and socks, rolling up my trousers. “You know, if any of my soldiers see me doing this, I will be a laughingstock.”

“So what?” She beckoned me with her hands, blowing me a kiss as well.

As I stepped in, I couldn’t stop laughing, the water sending an instant chill all through my body. Yet as soon as I took her hands into mine, I realized I’d never felt so exhilarated in my life.

My beautiful bride, my insanely gorgeous princess spun me around in a circle and for the first time in as long as I could remember, I couldn’t seem to stop laughing, as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

I dragged her closer, pressing my palm against the back of her head. “I love you, Mrs. Thibodeaux.”

“You better. For the rest of your life.”

Almost as soon as I captured her mouth, I heard a series of sounds and bristled. I broke the kiss long enough to glance toward the facility. “We have an audience.”

She breathed out then turned her head. My father, her father, several of my men, my daughter, and dozens of guests were watching us. Suddenly, something incredible happened.

They all removed their shoes and climbed into the fountain as well.

There’d been moments through the years where I’d been certain the despair would be the end of me. Today wasn’t one of them. Today was all about happiness, a new beginning, an entirely different chapter in a life that some might call a fairytale, others a nightmare.

Yet what I’d learned over the years was that you couldn’t take a single moment for granted.

And I definitely planned on enjoying every. Single. One. Of them.

The End
