Page 11 of The Kingpin

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Best friend.


Fucking treacherous bastard.

I considered the man my greatest enemy, someone I’d enjoy shooting between the eyes, but only after torturing him for days. The fact he’d become the director of the FBI was one of the reasons, but only one. He’d also made it his life’s mission to destroy my family piece by piece. He’d attempted to have me arrested twice, almost succeeding given trumped-up charges, but my attorneys had prevailed.

It was a mistake that had yet to be rectified. The what ifs were endless, creating a wave of energy, an increased need for revenge.

However, if this goddess of seduction was indeed his daughter, I would need to play this out very carefully. I would never have had the patience when I was younger. Maybe the fact I was older and wiser allowed me to take a step back, contemplating the risks as well as the rewards.

A decent man would send her packing, but I wasn’t that kind of guy. In fact, I was the creature nightmares were made of, which was exactly the thought running through her head. But here I was jumping to conclusions without the benefit of learning the full truth. The name wasn’t that unique but my guess was she’d been told to lie about her father’s profession if asked.

My thoughts continued to slide further into the darkness as my hunger increased. Taking what didn’t belong to me could be the worst decision I’d ever made or the best. I’d take my chances at this point.

Even if I had no business touching the luscious creature. Not only was it opening unwanted doors with regard to her mysterious and sudden appearance in my world, but not knowing her identity could become an issue. However, there was something about Raven’s sass and her resolve that continued to draw me into the darkest needs I’d felt in a long time.

Yet I couldn’t ignore the events of the evening, nor the possibility that Grayson had used more than one tactic to try to get to me. Annoyance built and I gritted my teeth. I’d made a lifetime of mistakes in the last few months alone, but they’d never come close to the single one made years before.

The one that had destroyed everything on a sunny afternoon because I’d allowed my guard to fall.

I slipped my belt back into position before lowering my sleeves and grabbing the cufflinks from the nightstand.

She jerked into a sitting position, yanking the pillow over her naked body, watching me so intently I was certain her eyes were burning a hole in my flesh. The flush on her face matched the crimson covering her beautiful bottom. How long had it been since I’d spanked a woman? As sadistic as I considered myself, I hadn’t found any desire to share the sinful proclivities with anyone as of the past year or two. I honestly couldn’t remember the last time.

Perhaps that was telling. Perhaps her sudden appearance meant it was time to indulge in satisfying my needs.

Whatever the case, I was more fascinated by her than I should be, the longing to fuck her becoming uncontrollable. She was without a doubt the most beautiful woman I’d set my eyes on in a long time, yet her vulnerability and her age weren’t lost on me. I had a teenage daughter not much younger than she was.

But I couldn’t ignore the danger level and I couldn’t allow her to leave my house without an understanding between us.

If at all.

I tried to rip my eyes off her luscious nakedness, but the girl and her lush and very rosy lips made it impossible. The slight whimper when I tugged the holster from the dresser meant I terrified her. Our eyes locked and it seemed as if she was searching for my soul. She wouldn’t find one. That had been stripped from me years before, replaced with anger and hatred, an emptiness that only my teenage daughter could soothe.

She refused to blink, watching every move I made as I redressed. Only after I’d thrown on the jacket did she find her voice.

“What are you talking about?” There was her rebellious spirit popping freely from her mouth and intensifying her attitude. She had verve, balls the size of cantaloupes. She’d learned enough about me that she should be terrified, but here she was confronting me.

I walked toward my dresser, still thinking about my intentions with her. First and foremost, I needed to find out more about her identity. While she could be lying to me, I doubted it. I’d seen the moment of fluster on her face and in her eyes. But hazing? If that was the truth, whoever had decided to require this task either had it in for her or there was an alternate reason.

And one that could be damaging.

“You’re going to be my guest for an extended period of time until I learn more about you. After that, we’ll see.”

“Excuse me? Uh, no. That’s not possible. I have a life.”

“You should have thought about that before.”

“So you’re imprisoning me?” Another demanding tone. I should be more irritated than I was.

I pulled out the handcuffs. “That will depend on whether what you told me is the truth. If it is, then I’ll allow you to leave. If you lied to me, and I assure you that my associates will determine that quickly, then the next round of punishment you receive will be much worse.”

It would appear the stunning and very voluptuous woman finally realized what I was telling her. Now her face was ashen, her lower lip quivering. When I grabbed her wrist, yanking her to the top of the bed, she didn’t utter a single sound.

Until I snapped the handcuff in place, securing her to the bed. I bent over, unable to resist another taste of her sweet lips. When she arched her back, I was shocked how enticing the simple move could be. I darted my tongue inside, tasting her sweetness all over again. With a forceful moan, she purposely turned her head to the side, breaking the quiet moment of intimacy.
