Page 18 of The Kingpin

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In my world, there were no such things as coincidences. There was another reason she’d been sent to my house, whether she knew it or not. That narrowed my decision of what ultimately to do with her down significantly. “Yes, you’re right.” I looked away, debating Raven’s welfare. “Look after my daughter tonight. Make certain she doesn’t cause a scene.”

“Absolutely. And what are you going to do?”

I sighed, the sound as bitter and angry as I felt. “I may have no choice but to handle her in a way I’d prefer not to.” But not until after I spent some quality time with her.

“But you like her.”

“She’s my enemy just like her father.”

“Maybe I can suggest an alternative?” he asked.

“Why the fuck not.” I laid the papers on my desk, waiting to hear his recommendation. Before he had a chance to say anything, there was another knock at the door. I glanced toward it, eager for the party to be over with. “Yes?”

One of my soldiers walked in. “I’m sorry to bother you, sir, but you should check the security cameras.”

I immediately jerked up from my desk, heading to the small console located off to the side, my hackles immediately raised. “What am I looking for?”

“There seems to be a young woman trying to find her way out the back. The strange thing is, she’s in a tee shirt and nothing else.”

A grin popped across my face as I pressed the space bar on the computer system, finding the cameras positioned in the back of my estate. I had them located everywhere, especially given the house was located further into town than I’d like. Twinkling lights had been installed in the trees, the pool lit up like a festive Christmas decoration.

Maddox moved behind me, glancing over my shoulder. “Let me guess, your mystery guest.”

I shifted from one camera to the next, locating Raven easily. When she lifted her head as if noticing one of the cameras, my cock pushed against my trousers. “Exactly. She managed to get out of the handcuffs. Clever girl.”

“Interesting. As resourceful as she is beautiful.”

“Which is why I need to deal with her.”

“Why don’t you consider an arrangement?”

“Such as?”

He turned toward me, giving me the same look that I’d wanted to wipe off his face when we were kids and he’d beaten me at basketball. “Marry her.”



Arman’s scent crawled all over me, lingering even though the tee shirt had been freshly washed. In my mind, his fragrance had already stained my skin. Or maybe it was wishful thinking.


Freedom was just seconds away. Or so I prayed to God.

I had the creepy crawlies and they refused to leave. I’d made it out of the house into the impressive backyard, yet realized immediately that the entire area was surrounded by an eight-foot-tall iron fence with no obvious openings. I’d either need to climb it or find a gate. I opted for the gate. I only prayed I hadn’t set off some crazy alarm system.

The foliage was thick, vibrant colors dancing in the shimmer of the tree lights. Even the pool was mesmerizing, the cabana and outdoor kitchen to die for. It reminded me a little of my parents’ modest home located outside of DC, the yard always kept pristine. We’d had a pool since vacations had been infrequent, the times spent with my sister memorable. Yet unlike my childhood home, it seemed as if the pool furniture had never been used, the kitchen spotless. I finally noticed what appeared to be a gate nestled close to the cabana building and took cautious steps toward it.

I’d been right, the position of the gate probably to allow for caterers and other workers to come and go as necessary. I was certain Arman had staff that kept everything up to his lofty standards. With my strappy stilettos in my hand, I glanced over my shoulder to ensure I hadn’t been followed before opening the gate. There was flashing lights, no beeping sounds, just the dull roar on the continuing party and night crawlers in the shadows.

Maybe that was the reason a shiver continuously drifted up and down my spine. I moved through the gate then took a deep breath before heading away from the house.

Almost instantly, I felt a crack of electricity soaring through my veins, heat unlike anything imaginable tearing through me straight to my core. Unfortunately, I knew exactly what that meant.

He’d found me.

I heard Arman’s dark chuckle first, the deep, velvety sound skittering through me like a firestorm. Then a bright light was turned on, flashing in my eyes. I shielded them from the harsh glare, blinking several times, hating that tears had formed in my eyes.
