Page 34 of The Kingpin

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He’d also managed to capture my full attention, and my desire burned like a raging fire.

At some point, that fire would become all consuming.




It was a luxury that I’d allowed myself, especially given certain decisions. Up to now, I hadn’t needed to hurry with regard to what I wanted or would do with Raven. She was under watch twenty-four hours a day, her dorm room under surveillance. At first, I’d enjoyed spending time watching her from afar, enjoying her daily routine, including remaining behind the camera as she slipped under the covers.

Then I’d visited the campus on three occasions, lurking in the shadows, still awed by her beauty. That had included the night before. I’d stood outside her dorm room, almost breaking the promise made to myself and visiting her inside her room. Then her roommate had returned.

It had taken everything I had not to take then what rightfully belonged to me. However, I’d wanted to learn as much as I could about Travis Ramsey. The man was a rising star, but the fact he’d been provided with so many promotions in such a short period of time meant he had friends in high places.

I knew exactly who that was.

Thomas Cartier.

When I took his daughter from under his nose, I wanted it to break the man.

Perhaps that made me a sadistic fuck, but I’d certainly never considered myself a good man. I wasn’t wired that way. I also hadn’t been born into any kind of normalcy. At least up until now, the beautiful girl had held up her end of the bargain, what few contacts she’d had with her parents seemingly normal. Not only did I have her room bugged but Thomas had gone about his normal activity, faced with two other crises bigger than taking down his old nemesis.

Still, what stalking the beautiful woman had done was both entice and aggravate me. She was a reminder that two major and very separate divisions of law enforcement were determined to bring down my family.

My father was an easy target, but so were my brothers. After receiving some additional disparaging news, a likely attempt to derail Louie’s career, I’d called a short family meeting.

What I’d come to realize was that time was no longer on my side. Neither was being patient, something I could consider a virtue. Pops had all but laughed at me weeks before when I’d mentioned my thoughts with regard to Raven. He’d told me in no uncertain terms that the kind of fire I was playing with would eventually turn into a raging firestorm that couldn’t be controlled. I’d listened to his reasoning, as well as his suggestions for other powerful alliances that could be made through my subsequent marriage.

Now I was ready to shuck them all. I was Don of the family, the kingpin who would bring us out of the dark ages. Laughing, I yanked my jacket from the back of the chair, adjusting my cuffs before sliding into it.

While I was still on the fence regarding what to do with Raven, it was obvious marrying her had become a necessity. Would that calm the waters, forcing her father to pull back from his misguided attempt at imprisoning my family at all costs? Likely only for a period of time given Travis Ramsey’s recent promotion within the DEA. Forced promotion, I should add.

I’d spent as much time as I could while handling aspects of business gleaning information about Mr. Ramsey and Mr. Cartier. They’d been friends for years. Since their college days together. Hell, through Maddox’s intense searches, I’d learned the two of them and their families had taken vacations together. There was even a single article that made it appear as if Raven and Carter Ramsey had once been romantically involved.

That union would have created a powerhouse.

Maybe putting the beautiful student under lock and key within my domain was only a stopgap method of stopping the bloodshed, but it was worth the effort.

Besides, there would be fringe benefits.

I glanced at the laptop one last time. The picture of Raven sitting in a rattan chair, her hair piled on her head, her legs curled under her, wearing only festive pink pajamas was as breathtaking as seeing her in the stunning dress the night we’d met.

The night we’d first fucked.

Why was it that every time I thought about kissing her soft lips, my cock rose to full attention?

Hearing a noise, I glanced at the doorway. Maddox stood with his hands in his pockets, his legs crossed at the ankles and a slight sneer on his face. The body language was a clear indication he’d discovered something that I both would and wouldn’t like to hear.

“What is it?” I asked before heading to the small safe in my office, pressing my fingers on the keypad until the lock clicked. Then I yanked one of my three weapons from inside into my hand, checking the ammunition before sliding it into my shoulder holster. I didn’t like leaving guns lying around, always concerned Zoe would find one and become concerned.

I’d managed to keep who and what her daddy was from her until she was ten. Then she’d rolled her eyes when I’d called myself a regular businessman, planting her hands on her hips and giving me attitude when she made a statement that I’d never forget.

“Daddy. Please. I know you’re a big, bad mafia dude. I’m a big girl now. I can handle the truth. All the kids in school talk about you. Their mothers talk about you too. Evidently, you’re cute. Yuck.”

Then she’d asked if we could go for ice cream.

“You went AWOL last night,” Maddox said.
