Page 41 of The Kingpin

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But the girl was also the epitome of her mother in that she believed in fairytales, especially when romance was involved. She had the perfect champion prince in mind and by God, I had a feeling she’d hunt him down one day.

“That’s why I’m marrying her.”

“What’s her name?”


“That’s beautiful.” She glanced at the phone nestled in her hand, the chime of a text drawing her attention. “I gotta run, Dad. Molly is waiting for me. I can’t wait to tell her!” She took a long stride closer, kissing me on the cheek.

“There’s just one more thing. She’s closer to your age than mine.”

“Oh, my God. Age gap romances are all the rage. Wait until I tell my friends my father has a sexy young thang.”

“Zoe. Don’t you dare.”

She giggled and spun in several circles before reaching for her things.


If only I could fully explain the real world to her. But I wasn’t ready to crush her spirit.

Like I was about ready to do to Raven.



I was almost grateful my father had yet to call back. I continued to wish I could erase the message from his phone, although what I’d said wasn’t inaccurate. While I could contact Carter with the same question, given our last conversation had ended with me tossing nasty barbs his way, I had a feeling he wouldn’t want to talk to me.

Or he’d take it as a sign I wanted to get back together. Not a chance in hell.

The fact our fathers had attempted to push us together a few years ago continued to rile the hell out of me. Carter was older, set in his ways, and determined to make more out of himself than his father. He was the second most arrogant ass I’d ever met in my life.

Arman Thibodeaux the first.

Just mentioning the man’s name both riled and aroused me, a dangerous combination. I tossed the trash into the can, glancing out the window of the coffee shop. The morning rush was completed, my shift over in less than two hours. Then I had the entire weekend. Maybe I’d go see a movie or grab a saucy little book from the library.

And pine away for my fantasy man?

I’d considered going home for a few days, but I didn’t fear Arman, only the feelings I had for the man. When he came for me, and he would, I had plans on telling him exactly what I thought about him. And he wouldn’t like what I had to say. That was if I found the courage. Geez. I was marshmallow fluff and nothing more.

While my little voice laughed at me as she’d done far too many times, I grabbed a rag, cleaning off a couple of tables. I hadn’t been able to shake the sickening feeling of knowing that Arman had been responsible for Grayson’s disappearance. Even with the DEA providing no comment, I was certain the man was dead, likely dismembered, his body parts tossed in a swamp or two. Gator food.

The visions had already warped my mind, keeping me from getting a good night’s sleep. I threw another cup in the trash then headed to the back to grab a few minutes to myself.

“Are you okay?” Amy asked from behind me. She was the manager and owner of the cozy establishment, hiring me on the spot just seconds after I’d begged her for a job. I’d been determined not to take more of my parents’ money. That would mean I’d owe my father. I couldn’t stand the thought of working for the FBI. I never had. I was no longer certain why I’d majored in criminology other than it had been expected of me.

“I’m fine. Just didn’t get much sleep.”

“It’s slow right now. Do you want to take off early?”

This was Amy’s administrative day. I admired the woman. She was a single mother of two, a business owner, and was active in the community. She was also worn out from working so hard. The last thing I would do was place a burden on her. “Not necessary. I have the weekend off. Unless you need me.”

She laughed. “Don’t worry. I have the weekend off as well. All the shifts are covered.”

“You know I’ll work extra shifts if you need.” I grabbed a few additional cookies fresh from the oven for one of the cases.

“That’s why I love you. You’re dependable, but I think we both need a weekend off.”
