Page 6 of The Kingpin

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She realized what she’d said, the twinkling exterior lights my sister had insisted on having installed for her elegant engagement party highlighting another moment of fear on the girl’s face.

“You punched that guy.”

I laughed softly. “Thatguydeserved it.”

“For disobeying you?”

Maddox was not only my second in command, but he’d been my best friend since high school, replacing a treacherous bastard now considered my enemy in the process. We’d played sports and commiserated over girls. He’d had my back a number of times, even taking a bullet for me on one bloody night of violence. He was someone I trusted, knowing all my secrets as I knew his. He’d also faced my wrath more than any human should. “For not doing his job. Now, it would appear we need to come to an understanding about the indecent incident you were involved in.”


“Highly,” I retorted. “You need to be punished.”

“Let me guess. You believe yourself to be judge and jury.” She planted her hands on her hips, giving me a haughty look.

“For someone found inside a man’s locked bedroom, you’re quite bold. I assume you know who I am.”

She rolled her eyes. “No, I don’t. And in truth, I couldn’t care less. I’m sorry about invading your privacy and stealing something from you.”

I was certain she had no clue who I was, which meant she wasn’t from New Orleans. I’d gone from intrigued to feeling a level of hunger that had already thrown me. I wanted not only to tame the little lioness, but to possess her. The question was why she continued to fascinate me. She was far too young, enough so she could be my daughter. Maybe that forbidden, slightly taboo nature was the reason for my fully aroused cock and blue balls.

“I’m sorry, princess, but your apology isn’t good enough. I don’t think your act was so innocent after all.”

“Meaning what?”

“Who are you? Who are you working for?”

“Who are you?”

“You don’t get to ask the questions, princess. You were the one standing inside my room.”

“I’m nobody’s princess.” She snarled at me after making the statement. God, the woman needed to be dragged over my knees, her bottom turned a bright shade of crimson.

“Then what are you doing in my bedroom?” I couldn’t help myself, inching closer, my desire increasing tenfold.

“Exactly who are you? Why should I tell you anything?”

“Let’s just say I’m a very dangerous man, sweetheart. You broke into the wrong house and the wrong room. Now, you’re going to face the consequences. But first, it’s best if you told me who you were working for. If you provide that information freely, I’ll be lenient in your punishment.”

She offered a sinfully sweet smile, swaggering toward me. “First of all, I’m not working for anyone. Second, you’re not going to lay a hand on me. This is an engagement party. Right? Would you dare want to have your bride to be discovering another woman inside your bedroom? I’m certain I can make a scene that will present a serious problem for your impending marriage. I assure you I’m a damn good actress.”

With a single stride, I was able to wrap my hand around her long throat, using my thumb and pressing it under her chin. She reacted by slamming her fists against my chest several times in a futile attempt to get out of my hold.

I lowered my head, drinking in her sultry perfume. Everything about her was intoxicating including her sensual fragrance. As I took a deep breath, her eyes darted back and forth. She was doing everything in her power to keep from showing her fear. It was a trait I admired. “You’ll be sorely disappointed to learn that you can scream all you want but it won’t mean anything to my guests.”

“And why is that?” Her voice was breathless, little more than a whisper. I lowered my head until our lips were close, oh-so close. My pulse raced, my cock throbbing. I wanted to feast on every inch of the delicious treat.

“For one thing, I’m not the one getting married, my sister is the lovely bride to be, and this is her engagement party. As far as who I am, my name is Arman Thibodeaux. More important, as the owner of this house and the leader of the Thibodeaux Crime Syndicate, all that would happen if you screamed is that several of my armed soldiers would burst into the room with their weapons drawn. And they’d do exactly what I told them to do, princess. Given what you overheard after breaking into my room, I’m certain you understand how my soldiers handle people who betray me in any way and if I’m to follow my instinct, your robbery was only hiding the real reason you’re here. So you see, it’s best you take your punishment like a good little girl.”



A good little girl.

The words cut through me like a knife.

His fragrance was overwhelming, his touch creating a wicked blast of heat. And his luscious lips were far too inviting. I continued to press my palms against his chest, but there was no getting out of his firm hold.
