Page 61 of The Kingpin

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“I’d be curious as to your other hobbies and I’ve love to see what you came up with for a special car.”

“First things first, Raven. We’ll get you settled. If you want to take a shower or change clothes, feel free.” He unfastened his seatbelt, immediately opening the door.

“And then?”

“We’ll have a drink.” As he climbed out, I noticed immediately that he was scanning the garage as if looking for enemies lurking in the shadows.

The thought was as unreal as everything else. I’d noticed a couple of guards, anticipating I’d see more. I took a deep breath before easing onto the polished floor, still marveling at the incredible beauty of the vehicles, all shiny, all lined up waiting to be driven. As soon as I closed the door, I noticed he was watching, smiling as if amused I seemed so taken aback.

“So you’re aware. I have a couple of additional phone calls to make. Then I’m shutting down business for the majority of the weekend.”

“What about the big, bad wolves?”

He laughed, his reaction another tender moment as he eased a strand of hair from my face, taking a few seconds to brush my cheek. The simple action made me shiver all the way to my toes. “They wouldn’t dare attack me inside my own home for fear of starting a war. But yes, I’m beefing up security.”

“What if that doesn’t stop them?”

“Don’t underestimate me, princess. I might surprise you.”

“You already have,” I said absently, which was the truth.

“Tomorrow night we have dinner with my family. They will enjoy getting to know you.” He grabbed the two small bags I’d thrown together, although I couldn’t remember if I’d even packed clean underwear in my frazzled state.

He’d stood in the middle of my dorm room, watching me like a hawk, constantly looking out the window. He’d known we were going to be attacked. I’d asked him stupid questions, grilling him and an attack on us had been imminent. God. I was a stupid girl.

He’d remained inches away when I’d left a message for Paisley, lying to her that I was headed home for a few days, which she hadn’t questioned. Then he’d taken my phone, worried about who I’d call. I had a feeling whether or not it was permanent depended on my behavior.

Everything was such a muddled mess that the plans he’d already made didn’t seem out of place. Or maybe I’d just resigned myself to what would be. For now. Images of the fire remained in my mind. He had a cleanup crew of all things. Of course he did. He was a big, bad kingpin. He had dozens, maybe hundreds of men carrying guns and God knows what else with them.

There was a certain level of fatalism pooling in the back of my mind as he led me into his house. His world was teetering between fiction and fact, greed and power. I had no idea why I was thinking that way. I was a college student, a girl who should be talking to her best friend about boys and my upcoming career, not holding profound conversations about the philosophy of life.

But he’d touched me with his honesty.

He’d saved my life.

And he was making me queen to his king.

It was all a girl could ask for.

Another laugh bubbled to the surface. I was practically losing my mind.

“You have full run of my house, Raven, except you are not allowed into rooms where the doors are closed or locked. I do handle business from the house, and there are others who maintain quarters here.” He placed the suitcases on the floor, not bothering to turn around.

Others. He meant staff.

His deep voice was methodical, relaying instructions and orders as if I was being led into the bowels of a convent, forced to follow in his shadow. Never speaking unless spoken to. I couldn’t think that way. I had to find a middle ground where this was tolerable.

Until I figured out what to do. If there was any recourse. I swallowed hard, feeling more out of place than ever.

“Do you understand?” he asked a few seconds later.


“Also feel free to roam the grounds, enjoying the pool as I always have several guards keeping watch, but make no attempt to leave without my permission and an escort. I have a gym and an extensive library, a media room as well.”

The crux of my imprisonment.

“A beautiful estate,” I said absently.
