Page 67 of The Kingpin

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But my needs would only be sated by fucking her like a wild animal.

I tapped the flat of the paddle against one side of her bottom then the other. She yelped in response, lifting her head and twisting.

“None of that. Be my good girl.”

I didn’t need to be staring into her face directly to know she’d rolled her eyes. She would attempt to be anything else at this point. Which was another reason I craved her so intently. I twirled the paddle three more times for her to see.

Then I issued the first hard crack, the sound louder given the type of wood used. She remained tense, kicking out her legs but to her credit she was able to maintain her position.

Then I delivered three more in rapid succession and she rolled, gasping for air.

I pushed my hand against the small of her back, making tsking sounds. “I guess we need to start over again. I think it’s best if you count them off. Let’s say today I’ll give you twenty-five.”

“Why not a hundred.”



Chuckling, I allowed the sound to be dark and filled with as ominous a tone as possible. She moaned in response, licking her luscious lips, her scent of desire more potent than ever.


“No,” she whimpered, scrunching her entire face as she lifted her head.

I showed her my index finger then brushed it down the bridge of her nose. “This is exactly what you need and you know it.”

“To hell with you.”

“If you don’t start behaving, I’ll wash your mouth out with soap as well.”

Her venomous eyes slanted in my direction and it was impossible not to feel another strong urge to fuck her.

I took a step away on purpose, once again tapping the paddle against her right ass cheek. Then I gave her two strikes, lifting the paddle and waiting for her response.

“One. Two.”

“Not bad. But you’ll need to say ‘thank you, sir’ after counting each one.”

“Are you… fine.”

Grinning, I waited a few seconds then issued two more.

“Three and four, thank you,sir.”

Oh, the arrogance and irritation were only increasing much like my raging libido. “Much better. I think you have the hang of it.”

After cracking the paddle down four times, I took a step back, admiring her long legs and the curve of her hips.

“Five, six, seven, eight and thank you with all my heart. Sir.”

I opened her legs wider, my mouth watering at the sight of her glistening pussy lips. “You’re completely aroused by this, my sweet.”

“You’re out of your mind.” She was completely breathless, her voice raspy.

“Are you so certain about that?” I pressed my hand between her legs, fingering her tender clit until she moaned. “You’re very wet.”

She wiggled from my touch, shifting her hips back and forth. When I pulled my hand completely free, she shuddered visibly.
