Page 70 of The Kingpin

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There was no sound, only a sudden tingling sensation given a light breeze. I continued pouring the already opened bottle of wine, unable to keep a grin from my face. The little vixen thought she would continue teasing me? Or was there a tiny part of her that still believed she could manage to get away from the man who owned her?

After placing the bottle on the credenza, I shook my head then turned around. As suspected, she’d rushed through the French doors leading to the stone porch, the pool only feet away. There were plenty of places for her to hide as evidenced from her near escape from the party weeks before. It was impossible not to feel lighter than I’d felt in a long time around her, the girl’s youth and verve both entertaining and enlightening, keeping me invigorated.

I headed outside, scanning the area. While she had no intentions of leaving the premises, I was still cautious after what we’d experienced. Even with guards in strategic locations, it was still possible for a sniper’s bullet to get through. That wasn’t going to happen.

Unable to see her immediately, a moment of aggravation settled in. I moved closer to the pool, realizing shadows had already formed, creating a void in a few locations. “Come out, bad girl, or I might need to punish you again.” I listened for any sounds, a rustle of bushes or a sultry laugh.

There were none.

I walked toward the deep end, still scanning the area. It was possible someone had breached the security, although I’d be hard pressed to figure out how. I’d locked it down tight. Aggravation and worry hit me hard. “Raven. Where are you? I’m not playing games.”

There was still nothing. No sound. No movement. I was ready to call in the soldier when a noise dragged my attention, a shimmer of water then a huge splash. And in a move so unexpected, I was pulled into a slight vacuum as someone lunged from the water like a sea creature from the depths of the ocean and I was dragged from the edge of the pool.

As I hit the surface hard, the breath was knocked out of me and I was dragged completely under. I’d been attacked in a half dozen ways, almost killed as many times as possible, but nothing could have shocked me anymore than what had just happened.

And as I fought by instinct to claw my way to the surface, arms and legs wrapped around me, keeping me under, bubbles floating all around me. By the shimmer of the lights in the pool, I managed to focus noticing the glee in Raven’s eyes from managing to shock the hell out of me. She spun us around in several circles and even under water, the sheer look of amusement was easy to catch.

She wrapped both legs around mine so tightly I had no maneuverability, still fighting to get to the surface. When he finally broke through, she laughed, not even a little bit out of breath.

“What… the… fuck?” I was exasperated, weighted down by the unwanted clothes. “I thought something had happened to you. You are a very bad girl.” My growl was short lived when she captured my mouth, immediately plunging her tongue inside. While I adored her playfulness, there was no chance I’d allowed her to keep control.

I wrapped one hand around the back of her neck, managing to release one leg, tangling hers with mine. The moment of rapture was ripped with passion and within seconds she was fighting to remove my clothes. The fact she was still so hungry caused the most incredible moment of arousal I’d experienced in a long time.

If ever.

The taste of her was sweet yet tangy, and the way she swept her tongue back and forth was telling regarding the explosive chemistry between us. We wrangled the shirt over my ears, forcing the kiss to break.

She laughed again, the lilting sound sending a wave of vibrations jetting through me. “I almost called my men into action. Imagine what would have occurred.”

“But you didn’t.”

“You need to learn,” I told her.

“Never.” She raked her hands down my chest, fumbling with my buckle and zipper, dropping under the water to remove my pants and underwear. They were weighted with water, and she struggled to bring them to the surface, barely tossing everything aside. Then she wrapped one arm around my neck, tangling her fingers in my hair.

My cock slipped easily into her pussy, the feeling of having her muscles clenching around it one of the most powerful feelings I’d ever had. I spun her around in the water, taking in the moment of utter freedom. It had been so long since my heart felt this light, since I’d allowed true joy to drive away the guilt and rage. I had a feeling Sophia was finally smiling down from heaven, giving me the gift of her approval.

Raven didn’t blink, her eyes boring into mine. As she’d done so many times, she was searching for something that she needed. Only this time, I sensed she was finding it, the moment providing a level of comfort and trust. At least I hoped it had because my instinct told me things were about to get rocky.

As delicious as the sensations were, I wanted her. I needed to claim her tight ass. I pulled completely out and she gasped.

“What are you doing?”

“Taking what I want.” Chuckling, I pushed her against the edge of the pool, immediately pressing the tip of my cock against her dark hole.

“Oh, God.” She clawed the edge of the pool, trying to keep herself buoyant in the deep end. She should know better. I’d burn my way through miles of forest to hunt her down, to bring her to safety.

“Breathe, princess. Just breathe.”

“You breathe, asshole. You’re fucking me in the…” As I pushed in another two inches, she threw her head back, gasping for air but the smile on her face was genuine. “Oh, my.”

I took my time sliding the rest inside, waiting as her oh-so tight muscles got used to the thick invasion. When I wrapped my hand around her throat, she offered no resistance, keeping the now sly smile on her face.

“My God. That is… amazing.”

“I’m going to fuck you like you deserve to be fucked every day, my princess.”
