Page 74 of The Kingpin

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He rubbed my arms. “Let’s get some sleep. Tomorrow we’ll talk further.”

“Okay.” I allowed him to pull me down, surprised when he pulled me close. I placed my hand on his heart and hearing the heady thumping, I knew I’d once again lost him to the dangerous place he’d allowed his mind to travel. “You said a fire.”


“You were dealing with a fire before your last date with Sophia.” I rose onto my elbow, peering down at him.

“Yeah, at a warehouse the family owns. Why?”

“Didn’t you tell me you just had a fire at some housing development you own?”

“It’s a condo we’re building, but yes.” He eased onto his elbow as well, our faces close. “What are you thinking?”

“Didn’t you tell me there’s no such thing as a coincidence in your world?”

He grinned, nodding a couple of times. “I did. Go on. I’m curious where that beautiful brain of yours is going with this.”

“I don’t know exactly. When did you receive the threats?”

Arman glanced down. “The first one was a week ago.”

“Weeks after the engagement party where we met. And after you made the decision that I was to be your fiancée, right?”

“True.” He took a deep breath.

“Maybe the person who’s out to get you is closer than you think.”

“It’s possible, my beautiful bride to be.”

“Or maybe the person from the past is exacting revenge for something you did a long time ago.”

A strange light popped in his eyes. I was certain of it. Then he rolled over, reaching for his phone. As he sent a text message, I huddled under the covers. Danger. I’d been right before. It was all around us, a cold-blooded assassin waiting to finish what he started.

Destroying the family and the man I… loved.

* * *

Come out, come out, wherever you are. I’ll find you and when I do, I will hurt you…

My eyes popped open and I jerked up, gasping for air. “Oh. Oh. Oh.” Blinking, I was disoriented, certain the words I’d just heard had just been whispered by a demon. When I realized light was streaming in through the windows, I was finally able to take a normal breath. There was no one in the room.

No boogeymen.

No monsters.

And as I turned my head, brushing my palm across the cool sheets, I grimaced realizing neither was Arman. Just then, I remembered he had no clock in his room, and I tried to laugh it off. But the dream lingered. It was as if someone was following me. Leering at me. Huffing, I got out of bed, hopeful I’d find him in the bathroom. No such luck. It couldn’t be that late. The sun wasn’t very high in the sky.

I noticed he had a huge fluffy white robe, the kind that would swallow me, but the thick terrycloth was oh-so comfy. I slid into it, not surprised in the least that all my makeup items had been placed on a lovely mirrored tray, my toothbrush already located next to Arman’s in a holder.

Ginger had been efficient indeed.

After brushing my teeth and combing my hair, I knew coffee was next on the list or I’d never make it through a shower. Maybe I could find some crumbs of bread that weren’t stale like I knew the French baguette would be.

I headed for the door, hesitating, half expecting to find he’d lied and locked me in. When the door opened, I smiled, then was greeted by the sound of silence.

If I was going to live in this big ole house, there would be music. Lots of music. There had to be some when Zoe was here.

Oh, God. It just dawned on me that not only was I gaining a husband, but I was also suddenly tossed into the world of being a stepmother. Wait. Hold on. The girl was how old? He hadn’t said but she had to be a teenager. Oh, God. A few years younger. The girl would hate me. Oh, this wasn’t good.
