Page 83 of The Kingpin

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The one who’d taught me how to play basketball. The one who’d beaten a kid for bullying me since he’d been taller than me. And the one who’d blamed my father for keeping the truth about his real family from him.

“Jesus,” Edmee said. “What the hell is going on?”

Raven moved closer, staring me in the eyes, never blinking. Then she cracked her hand across my face before fleeing the room.

For the first time in my life, I hated being a Thibodeaux.



Truth from the mouth of babes.

The thought continued to linger in the forefront of my mind.

Running as far away as possible from the man I loved seemed like the only thing I could do. I didn’t want to be a part of the sick, disgusting game of revenge that had been in the works for years. Why had karma hated me so much that she’d insisted on using me as the explosives for the final detonation?

An angry laugh bubbled to the surface.

Arman had proven how superior he was, hunting me down easily just outside the hotel. Of course I wouldn’t have made it anywhere considering I had no money, no phone, and his soldiers would immediately swarm in so they could protect me and keep me from going anywhere.

Now I learned that the person I thought I’d been had been a partial lie.

I wasn’t entirely certain what to believe any longer. Now I stood inside the living room, determined to hate the man all over again. Yet he was the source of answers, which I obviously needed desperately.

Zoe had been sequestered in her room. I’d barely had time to talk to her at the dinner, although she’d tried to comfort me on the ride home. That had been an impossibility. I stood staring out the window, trying to determine what to say to him. I bristled as soon as he walked close, but the same sensations that had been overwhelming since meeting him applied. I was tingling all over.

The craziest aspect about everything that had happened was that I liked him. I adored his family, even though I’d had only a few minutes to talk with them. They’d been exactly as described, full of life and eager to talk with me. Zoe was a delight, so much so I remained eager to hear her play, to spend time learning about her life.

It was obvious how much she adored and admired her father.

Edmee had even asked me to be a bridesmaid, which had been overwhelming at the time. I could see enjoying them as a family. Except there wasn’t just an elephant in the room. There was an entire herd.

Arman approached with stealth and ease, remaining quiet as he eased a glass of wine over my shoulder, the offer his idea of an olive branch. Oddly enough, I accepted it without question or tossing the liquid in his face. What good would it do at this point?

He continued to say nothing, flanking my side and staring out at the darkness just like I was.

I hated the tension between us. After a full minute had passed, I couldn’t take it any longer. “Zoe is amazing.”

“She has spunk.”

“From what I could tell, she’s just like you. You did an amazing job raising her all alone.” My stomach was in knots, and I was giving him compliments. I was crazy.

“Well, I did have help. My sister has been a godsend, my mother providing guidance when I was clueless about what to do.” He laughed almost bitterly as he lifted his glass. I couldn’t help but notice how distraught he was, the man staring into the dark abyss of cabernet as if able to find whatever answers he was seeking. “She likes you.”

“I’m glad.” I pulled away from the window, determined to keep my distance but finding it impossible. “Why am I saying that? Now I realize how much of a sham this entire wedding is. When were you going to tell me the truth?”

“After the dinner.”

I laughed. “Too little, too late.”

He turned his head, taking his sweet time. I expected to see anger or indignation, but noticing just how haunted the man was pushed every button, my desire for him refusing to diminish.

“I’m sorry, Raven. I’ve spent years perfecting how to shut myself down.”

“Not with Zoe at least. I know that innately from the way she acts around you.”

“She’s my daughter. That’s different.”
