Page 86 of The Kingpin

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“I’m not certain what you’re getting at.”

“I couldn’t be happier. So is Pops. Hell, even though Louie won’t admit it, he doesn’t mind having his bank account boosted given our excessive profits. Edmee gets to play the socialite, marrying the man of her dreams, even though she’s nuts with her choice, but what they’ll admit is that it’s all because of you.”

“I don’t need my ego stroked right now, Francois.”

“God knows you’ve never wanted a single compliment in your life, or so you like the world to believe. Don’t worry. That’s not what I’m doing here.”

“Then get to the fucking point.”

“You’re a fucking miserable human being. You have been since Sophia died. The only time you are not when you’re with Zoe. Until I watched you last night.”

I lifted my gaze, trying to figure out why he was bothering. I’d thought about nothing else but Raven during the last few hours, longing to touch her, to taste her sweet lips. Instead, I remained in my office, staring out at the night sky, incapable of feeling much of anything except regret about far too many things in my life. As the plane began its descent, I noticed Maddox was watching us, something close to a sneer on his face.

We’d brought a half dozen soldiers with us on the flight to ensure we wouldn’t have any issues, Landry left in charge of security for my estate. Even though I’d made certain there was no chance Raven could leave the residence, I wouldn’t put it past her to try.

“Get to the fucking point. We have business to handle,” I snapped.

“That’s the problem. It’s all about business with you. Last night though, I witnessed the man I’d seen when you were married and happy with Sophia. You were alive again.”

I finished off my coffee, tired of the nasty taste in my mouth. “Your point?”

“My point is that you need Raven in your life and if the tears streaming down her face were any indication, she is madly in love with you. Now, I can’t say I understand why, but it was obvious to me anyway.”

“She deserves better.”

“Then fucking give her better,” he growled. “You love her. I can tell you do.”

“What about it?”

“Because loving her will make you less of a miserable fuck of a human being.” Francois laughed, but he wasn’t teasing in the least.

And he was right.

Which I’d never admit to him.

“My choice.”

“Yeah,” he said, “but here’s the thing. You’re not getting any younger, bro. Zoe will be gone soon, enjoying her life and you’ll come home to an empty house with little or no food in the refrigerator, lamenting over what was and what could have been. Then you’ll die all alone, making certain you remain a cranky SOB who is determined to make the lives of your brothers and sister miserable.”

Maddox almost choked and I slowly turned my head, giving him the same hard glare I had to Francois. Somehow, I had a feeling my second in command would remind me he’d said something similar only a couple of days before.

I glanced out the window of the jet, images of the beautiful girl floating into my mind as they’d done far too often. So many aspects of the ugly situation troubled me, including the fact she’d been lured to my house. Maybe Ramsey had something on the sorority president’s father, but that had yet to be discovered.

“We handle the situation in Texas. That’s why we’re here,” I told him.

“And what if Ramsey refuses to cooperate, telling us what’s going on?”

I pulled back my jacket, showing my weapon. “Then he’ll be provided with the means necessary to do so.”

“Why do I have a feeling much of this is about protecting the woman you love?”

“I will protect her until I die, but she’s free to live her life as she wants. That’s it. Period.”

Before he had a chance to argue, Maddox received a call.

“What you got?” he asked. Seconds later he lifted his gaze. “Excellent work, Rock. I’ll let Arman know. Stay there. If anything changes, call me.” He grinned as he leaned forward in his seat. “Good news, gentlemen. Apparently, there is a charity event today at a ranch outside of Dallas. All the fashionable people are going to be there. Guess who’s on the guest list?”

“Would that be Mr. Ramsey and Mr. Carlos?” I couldn’t help but grin. That would make things easier. They wouldn’t dare create a scene in front of folks attending a charity event.
