Page 9 of The Kingpin

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He chuckled softly, glancing away for a few seconds. As he stood to his full height of at least six foot four, he slowly unfastened his belt. “Fascinating indeed.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means you still need to pay for your sins.”

I watched in horror as stages of disbelief kicked in. “Wait. Hold on. What are you doing?” I was petrified, shaking like a leaf.

“I’ve decided on your punishment,cherie. I’m going to spank you like the bad little girl you are.”

“Oh, no, you’re not.”

He moved closer, leaning down as he’d done before, his eyes burning with a dark hunger that both excited and terrified me. Even the way he allowed his eyes to travel down the length of my neck to the bodice of my dress, ever so slowly drifting to my exposed thighs, was entirely different. As if the brutal man had decided to claim me.

“Let’s put this situation into perspective. You were caught red-handed stealing from me. You were wearing the evidence. You lied to me more than once. Now, you’re telling me a ridiculous hazing is the reason for it. Then you decided slapping me and running was in your best interest. Did I miss anything?”

I swallowed the lump in my throat, realizing I was lightheaded from the way my pulse was racing. “My friends will be coming for me.”

“Hmmm… Do you mean the two girls speeding off in a car only minutes ago?”

Was he serious? I was suddenly speechless. In the back of my mind, I knew they’d leave me, refusing to get caught. I had no idea how I’d get back to the university. If I was lucky enough to be allowed to live.

“And what happens if I allow you to spank me?” I lifted my head, trying my best to take some control back. But just staring into his eyes, the color of warm cognac in front of a fire, took my breath away, my skin tingling from the way his heated breath tickling every pore. The sensations were electrifying.

“Then I’ll let you go, princess. You will have paid your penance.”

Could I believe this… beast of a man? I was in no position to argue. I’d have to place some small amount of trust in him that he was telling me the truth. What choice did I have? “Fine. Spank me but get it over with.”

He took a deep breath, holding it for a few seconds, his eyes still piercing mine. As he leaned down, almost nuzzling against the crook of my neck, he nipped my earlobe. Exhaling, he pressed his soft lips against my skin. Tenderly. Lovingly. “Then you will obey me, sweet Raven. One more attempt to escape will be your last.”

As he pulled back, a cold shiver drifted down my spine. “What now?”

“Now, you undress.”

“I beg your pardon?” He couldn’t be serious.

“I only spank women on their bare asses.” He turned slightly, staring out the window as he unfastened his belt.

I couldn’t blink, couldn’t move for a few seconds. How could I allow something so barbaric to happen? What man spanked a woman for punishment? I knew the answer. I certainly wasn’t naïve to aspects of domestic discipline or acts of BDSM. It was just something I couldn’t stand the thought of.

Then why is your pussy throbbing?

My mouth remained parchment dry as I tried to find the courage to get to my feet, barely able to rip my gaze from his wretched actions. A warm flush of embarrassment crept over me as I removed my shoes, shaking so badly it took me three times to grab the hem of my dress. When I lifted it to my waist, I sucked in my breath, shaking like a leaf.

And all I could think about was being terribly grateful that I’d worn decent underwear, a cutesy little thong. God. What was wrong with me? I was in a dire situation, and I was glad I had on sexy panties? I was obviously still in a state of shock. I managed to tug the dress over my head, hesitating before placing the thin material near the end of the bed.

Then I threw a look over my shoulder. God, the man was so intense, the way he had his jaw clenched out of frustration accentuating just how sexy he was. I was mortified I found him handsome, but there was no denying he was the poster boy for male perfection.

“Panties as well. Completely. Naked.” He enunciated the words as if I had trouble understanding.

Fuck the man. To hell with this. I would never make a return trip to New Orleans under any circumstances. I turned all the way around, cognizant that he’d moved from his predatory stance, yanking one of the pillows from under the covers, planting it smack in the middle of the bed. I fumbled, likely on purpose, before slipping my fingers under the thin elastic, taking several deep breaths before managing to tug them down my hips.

After placing them on top of my dress, I crawled onto the bed without being told. Then I positioned my stomach over the pillow, horrified and disgusted.

And very wet.

I folded my arms over my head, still uncertain what to expect. Then I closed my eyes, refusing to give him any additional acknowledgment, although it was impossible not to sense he’d moved right behind me. When he touched my leg, I had to bite back a yelp. He took his time, easing them apart. Then he patted my bottom.

“Good girl. Now, stay in position.” His voice was even more gravelly, the husky tone sweeping through me like a wave of unexpected heat. My mouth remained dry, but I was hot and wet all over.
