Page 90 of The Kingpin

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“What I have to say to you might be best served without the presence of your… gaming buddies. Travis. It’s best if you hang around.”

Devin seemed surprised, throwing Travis a questioning look.

Exhaling, Francois moved toward the window overlooking the grounds. Taking another vantage point in these situations was always in our best interest. He acted bored, doing nothing more than admiring the scenery when I knew he was poised and ready to take a shot if necessary. My brother was one of the best marksmen I’d ever worked with.

Both Travis and Devin glanced in his direction before Devin cleared his throat. “Mark. Chase. Why don’t you guys go and refresh your drinks. This won’t take very long.”

“You sure about that?” asked Chase, the mogul I had a meeting with in less than two weeks.

“Positive.” Devin never took his eyes off me.

The two men left, even being considerate enough to close the door after them.

“This isn’t my fight either,” Travis grumbled, heading for the door.

I stopped him, shaking my head. “As I said. You’re staying. You’re a part of this, the two of you forming an alliance.”

“I was invited here for a charity event, something the DEA has participated in for years,” Travis insisted, anger creeping up in his tone, but there was more trepidation.

“That’s right. I hear congratulations are in order. I assume that your rise to power was mentored by your good buddy, Thomas Cartier. What I don’t need to assume because the three of you left a trail a mile wide is that you’ve been in business together for a long time. That includes using methods of extortion, blackmail, and good ole Texas strong-arming to obtain various plots of land for future developments. In addition, you’ve managed to manipulate the cattle prices, which is a huge no-no and would likely get your sorry asses run out of town on a rail full of rusty nails. How am I doing, gentlemen?”

Travis paled.

Devin smiled.

“That’s bullshit and you can’t prove anything,” Devin said more calmly than I would have anticipated.

“Oh, I assure you that I have some fascinating documentation, including statements from several ranchers, who will remain nameless. I took my time gathering the information, ensuring that I had all my t’s crossed and i’s dotted prior to sending copies to my attorney and my good friend, the police chief of New Orleans, who happens to have powerful influence on certain members of law enforcement as well as various senators in congress who take this type of white-collar crime seriously.” I moved to the pool table, placing my drink on the smooth felt surface before planting my palms down. “In other words, gentlemen. You don’t want to continue fucking with my family.”

The two men looked at each other and Travis took a purposeful step away from his good buddy, as if attempting to convince me he had nothing to do with the venture I’d described. Granted, I’d embellished various aspects, providing more of a scare tactic than I had in my possession, but they didn’t need to know that.

I was not only a consummate businessman. I was a damn good poker player, taught by an old friend of mine. How ironic. I remained where I was, first locking eyes with Devin then Travis, waiting until both looked away, conceding the point in our dark, vicious game.

“What do you want?” Devin hissed.

“For you to cease with your childish threats made to my family members. And for you to begin taking a backstep or ten in your methods of buying up pieces of land. If you don’t, I’ll also provide the information to the press. Your stocks will plummet, Devin. And for you, Travis. You’ll be ruined, out of the job you crushed other people to obtain. I couldn’t figure out why you wanted to be a part of this. Then it dawned on me. Kyle, your firstborn son died in a fire at one of my warehouses. You joined in the foray for revenge, which I assume was the exact reason Thomas did as well.”

Travis glanced at me again then shook his head. “My son didn’t deserve to die.”

“No, he didn’t. And he wouldn’t have lost his life had he followed the orders of his superiors. I am many things, Mr. Ramsey, but I take no joy or pride in eliminating innocent lives. Believe it or not.”

“We’re not taking this crap. You have nothing on me. You’re nothing in Texas.”

Francois issued an exaggerated sigh. It was time to pull out the usual big guns, which I’d honestly hoped to avoid. Maybe after my effort to go more legitimate with our businesses, threatening to kill families was now beneath me.

Or maybe Raven’s insistence that I was a good man deep inside had rubbed off on me. I’d give that some thought later.

When she was safe.

“Well, then I have no other choice but to provide this for both of you.” I pulled two envelopes from my jacket, placing them down in front of the men. Then I backed away, allowing them to realize that I knew every location of their family members, including their usual schedules. The photographs provided additional leverage that I would make good on my threat to eliminate their families if necessary.

I wouldn’t.

But again, they didn’t need to know I was anything other than a vicious, vile man.

“You leave my family out of this.” I heard anger as well as terror in Travis’ voice.

“Then you will cease to do business together, leave my fiancée out of your need for revenge, and stop making threats. And Travis, you will drop your investigation into my finances, my land development, and every other aspect of my corporation. The business arrangements we can work out later. Did I miss anything, bro?” I turned my head toward Francois who moved closer to the table, unbuttoning his jacket so both men could catch a glimpse of his weapon.
