Page 99 of The Kingpin

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The smoke was getting thicker, acrid and the heat was explosive. I could hear crackling noises coming from the other side of the door. We were running out of time.

“I can’t find anything.” Exasperation and sadness rolled into me. I wiped sweat from my face and sagged against the exterior wall. “If only I could find a paperclip, I could get us out of here.”

Zoe had sagged to the floor, all but giving up trying to escape. Then she snapped her head up, ripping at the holder keeping her hair in a bun. Excitement rushed to her face as she stumbled to get up. “Will this do?”

I moved closer, realizing that in addition to using a scrunchy, she had a hairpin. “Oh, my God. You might be a lifesaver. The fire is getting closer. If I can do this, we won’t have much time.” I was terrified that the fire had been raging for far too long. Time meant nothing when you were a prisoner. I was sick inside, finally accepting we wouldn’t be found in time unless we freed ourselves.

Her hand was shaking as she handed it to me, tears still in her eyes. I threw my arms around her, holding her close. “You can do this, Raven. Then my dad will come. You’ll see. He’ll be our hero.”

I didn’t want to break her heart but I knew heroes didn’t always come through. My dad had done that. I just hadn’t understood why until now. I moved to the door, pressing my hand on the thick metal. It was warm to the touch but not scalding hot. Maybe we had a chance. I eased the metal into the lock, trying to take deep breaths. It wasn’t like some I’d worked on and after a full two minutes, I almost gave up.

A loud clanging gave me a jolt and I closed my eyes, trying to block out everything else but what needed to be concentrated on. I didn’t hear a click. I felt it. Yet I still said another silent prayer. “Get back. Please.”

Zoe was panting, moving from foot to foot. I turned the handle, holding my breath this time. When the knob turned, the door opening, I almost screamed. But I was horrified I’d find Carter on the other side.

Instead, smoke rolled into the room. I stumbled backwards, grabbing her hand. “We’re getting out of here. Stay low. Don’t lose my grip.”

I crouched down low, moving into the darkness, struggling to see anything. Flames were everywhere, the fire hissing as embers flew. Her squeals pushed me on, further into the darkness, the smoke making my eyes sting. Nothing was going to stop me. I had a wedding to plan. I had a man to love. I had a life to live.

And I had a new family.

Please, God. Please.

The heat was sweltering, the bits of the roof caving down upon us. Zoe screamed and I yanked her out from under the whoosh of a huge panel seconds before it collapsed on the floor.

“Keep going. We have to keep going.” Even though I had no idea which way was out, I wouldn’t allow us to die without trying.

The flames were getting closer, Zoe coughing, fighting with my hold. Beads of sweat were stinging my eyes. I couldn’t see. Couldn’t breathe.

Zoe pulled away.

I grabbed her arm, screaming. Screaming. “No!”

Then a sizzle was followed by a horrific crack second before…


* * *


The fire was visible from the street the moment Maddox skidded around the corner, almost losing control. He accelerated, moving quickly toward the building. There was no doubt Ramsey had been correct in his assumptions. I’d gotten the address out of the bastard then left him in the alley. If he’d been wrong, he knew there was nowhere on earth he could hide where I wouldn’t hunt him down.

The moment Maddox skidded the SUV to a stop, I was out of the car, running toward the burning building. I refused to allow them to die. It wasn’t going to happen.

“Call 911.” They would be too late to save the building, the woman I loved, and my daughter. I would need to save her myself.

“Wait! Arman. It’s too hot,” Francois called from behind me, but he was right by my side, keeping up speed. When I was only twenty feet away, I stopped long enough to figure out the best way to enter. When I found a door, I could tell by the flames licking from almost every window on the six-floored building that it was possible we were already too late.

Fuck it. I would find them.

Nothing and no one was going to stop me.

The door was unlocked, the access easy but the wall of heat hit immediately. I fought my way through the debris, the crackling sounds and creaks indicating the steel in the walls was under duress. I’d seen enough fires in my life to know the structure couldn’t take much more without collapsing. If I had four minutes, I’d be lucky.

“Raven. Zoe. Go to the left. Call out to them.”

“Don’t do anything stupid, bro.”
