Page 32 of Her Renegade

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“Where’s your truck?”


“What if they found it? Slashed your tires or busted out the windows?”

“Then I guess I’ll have to find a new ride, won’t I?”

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of small brass pieces covered in dirt, then carefully set them on the floor in front of his weapons.

“Are those shell casings?”

“Yes. These are from the guns the men used to shoot at us.”

“Really?” I knelt next to him, interested. “How did you get them?”

“I picked them up from the snow after they left.”

“Can you tell anything by them?”

He tilted his head, examining me closely. “Whoever these guys are, they’re trained operators. These are nine-millimeter casings. I’m guessing they used suppressed MP5s—machine guns that are commonly used in special ops. The guy out front was a diversion for the guy in the back and took out your vehicle with outstanding accuracy.”

I peered at Justin’s profile as he spoke, all sharp edges, his eyes as cold as ice. The flames flickered off his tanned skin, highlighting the opaque scar that ran down his face.

How could a man be so beautiful and yet so terrifying at the same time?

“Who are you?” I asked.

“I’ll tell you as soon as you tell me, Sophia Banks.”

“We’re at a stalemate then. Thank you for what you’ve done, and I mean that, but I don’t trust you.”

“Then why are you so close to me?”



Our lips collided with such intensity that my entire body erupted into tingles.

Her lips were warm and soft and tasted of beer, and when a whimper slipped from between them, I went feral. Fisting the back of her hair, I turned her face upward so that I could devour every inch of her.

With my other hand, I grabbed her waist and pulled her against me, needing her as close to me as possible. She arched into me, her body trembling. We kissed madly, wildly, like two long-lost lovers reunited.

My lungs squeezed for air, my heart roared, my pulse raged like a jackhammer.

I cupped her face in my hands, needing the touch to anchor myself, to ensure that she was real, thatthiswas real. She moaned—the sexiest damn sound I’d ever heard—as I lightly stroked my thumb back and forth over her cheekbone.

Then, as abruptly as she’d kissed me, she pulled away, panting.

Wide-eyed, we stared at each other, our chests heaving, my head unable to form a single thought other than ...




I’d lost my mind completely. There was no other explanation for my actions that day.
