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Oh fucking hell, that was the jealousy crying out again, wasn’t it? What the hell was it about this Arya that had me, Spike, and Brock so enthralled by her? She had to be special in some way, and I really wished that I could figure out what it was because then I might actually be able to turn it off. Then I might be able to think straight.



“What?” I question in shock as we listened intently to Spike’s announcement. “Did he just say what I think he did? That we have an actual threat here?”

Sarah shrugged, looking truly irritated. “I guess so. But don’t we always have this shit on movie sets? This seems really common to me. I can’t believe Spike is taking this seriously. I thought that he was going to be cool, you know? This seems over the top and ridiculous to me.”

I couldn’t stop myself from jumping to Spike’s defense. I probably should have thought before speaking because I didn’t want Sarah to work out what was going on between me and him, but I started snapping before my brain kicked into gear. “I don’t think Spike’s like that. He takes the job seriously, yes, but I don’t think that he would actually halt production and get everyone sent home if there wasn’t something real going on here…”

But I quickly noticed that Sarah wasn’t even listening to me really. She had her eyes narrowed in on the director, Robert, and as soon as I followed her eye line, I started to see why. He had gone so red that he was almost purple, and this didn’t look like rage. Not to me, anyway. I’d seen Robert angry a lot over the last few days when scenes weren’t quite going to his plan, and it never looked likethis. No, there was something else going on behind his eyes. What the hell was it? Did he know something that we didn’t? Maybe even that Spike and the others didn’t? Because this was going to be his chance to speak up before his production got cut short.

If Spike halted the production now, then everything was going to go to pot.Revivewould still be filmed and eventually released, but the schedule would shift and change. It was going to be a bit of a nightmare. So it surprised me that he said nothing. His lips remained tightly shut, like he was trying to keep something important locked away deep inside.

“Fucking hell, well we should take some photographs then,” Sarah grumbled. “Since I’m already dressed up and I have my makeup done. Might as well take advantage of that.”

Oh okay, so Sarah wasn’t taking this seriously. She was focused on herself and what she wanted to get out of this moment. Fine, I wasn’t going to argue with her. I was actually hoping that if we were one of the last ones here then I might get a chance to speak to Spike alone, to find out what the hell was going on here. Because it had to be something bad.

“Sure, let’s take a moment somewhere out of sight,” I hissed to Sarah. “Because it looks like Spike is going to start filtering people out of here in a moment.”

Sarah nodded enthusiastically. She liked it because I agreed with her and she knew she was about to get her own way. “Yes, let’s do this. Come on.”

She pulled me into the dressing room where I immediately started snapping a bunch of photographs for her social media accounts. Sarah really enjoyed this, it was clear that she was having the best time. That flooded me with relief, because it meant we didn’t need to go yet. I could hear Spike directing people out of the building, and making sure they got back to the hotel before anything could happen. I swallowed hard, hoping that the hotel at least was safe.

“Sarah,” Spike cried out as soon as he caught sight of us. “Arya, you need to get out of here. Did you hear me before? There is a lot of danger here and we need to keep you safe…”

“What danger?” Sarah snapped. “I don’t get it. What’s happening here?”

She rested her hands on her hips and stared at him with defiance flooding her face. Spike sighed, looking irritated. He didnothave time for Sarah today. Stress rolled up in my shoulders. I could feel my spine stiffen as I waited for the explosion to happen.

“I don’t have all the details at the moment,” Spike finally declared. “But as soon as I do, I will let you know. I don’t want to give you false information…”

“So whatdoyou know?” Sarah shot back, not reading the room properly. Or maybe she was and she was trying to ignite the fire. “Because you have to know something, right? To end filming here and now. I want to know why. There has to be an explanation. I don’t believe that there isnothing. Why don’t you just tell me why my job is being affected. There’s a reason.”

“There is,” Spike agreed. “But until I know exactly what’s going on, I don’t want to share anything. I just want to make sure that you are safe.”

Sarah narrowed her eyes. “Urgh, fine, be like that then. It seems dumb to me, but whatever. If you insist that we need to end things here and now then so be it.”

She was fuming. It was really hard to be around her when she was like this, as Spike was about to find out. God, did he know what he was doing? This was so risky.

“I will take you back now,” he declared. “Because I want to make sure that you are back at the hotel and safe. We can’t have anything happening to you.”

Ooh, okay, so maybe he did know what he was doing. Because putting Sarah in the spotlight and making her feel special was the right way to turn things around.

“Okay, fine. I will come back with you.” She fluttered her eyelashes at him. It might have made me jealous if I wasn’t having a great time with Spike at the moment. We snuck off at every single moment that we could get alone to hook up and hang out. “If you are that concerned with my safety, then I will listen to you.”

She didn’t even look back at me as she left with Spike, but he did. He made sure that he shot me a smile as he walked off so I wouldn’t freak out. I wasn’t going to. Sure I wished that it was me leaving with him, but I wouldn’t get upset. Hehadto get Sarah to safety, and thank God he had found a way to get through to Sarah. To get her to the hotel.

Right, well now it was just me alone. And I needed to get myself back to the hotel as well. Of course I wasn’t as important as Sarah, she was the star of the film, but it was still a little shitty to be left behind. Especially when I was sure that other people had already gone.

“Hey.” A soft voice caught my attention and almost knocked me completely off my feet. I span around rapidly to see a pair of familiar eyes basically boring into my soul. “I guess that just leaves me and you. I will help you get back to the hotel.”

I swallowed hard, knowing that being alone with Brock was going to be dangerous for me. Especially when things had been going so well with Spike. The last thing that I wanted to do was risk all of that when things were on fire, but there was something so frightening about Brock. As in the way that I felt about Brock anyway. My heart was already thundering like crazy in my chest. My eyes flickered at Brock as I tried to calm myself the hell down.

“Right, of course.” I couldn’t stop a bright smile from spreading across my face, though. “So, did you want to get going now or is there anything we need to do here?”

Oh God, what the hell was I saying? Why was I acting all flirty? Although I wasn’t sure if there was anything that I could say to Brock without it sounding a little risqué. He just brought that side out of me without even trying. I could hardly breathe when he stared at me like I was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

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