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I couldn’t even finish my sentence before the doorbell rang. As far as I knew, we weren’t expecting anyone, so this was a little confusing. I looked at all the men in turn, but none of them really met my eyes. Okay, now there wasreallysomething happening, and I was all kinds of worked up about it. My heart raced faster. It pounded hard against my rib cage. I could hardly catch my breath because it was too intense because my lungs were squeezed too tight. There was a tremble racing down my spine, all the way through my body.

“What is going on?” I snapped. “Someone tell me what’s happening?”

But Spike didn’t reply. He simply headed to the door to let someone come in. My heart jumped, skipping a few beats, as I realized who it was.

“Sarah?” I respond in shock. “Carrie? What the hell are you doing here?”

I handed Katie over to Brock because I needed to run over to my friends to embrace them. I needed to hug them because it had been such a long time since I was able to see them face to face. And it wasn’t just them. There were a few people from the movie here in Rockport again. What did that mean? That they were here to film the third film in the series? I hadn’t heard anything about it, but to be fair, I wasn’t really focused at the moment. Having a baby would do that to anyone. It had my head all over the place, the sleepless nights, the boundless love that I couldn’t get enough of, the differences in my body and mindset…everything had shifted.

“Oh my God, this is amazing.” I jumped up and down in delight. “I can’t believe you’re here. This is so awesome. What are you doing here?”

“Have you kept it a secret?” Sarah laughed over my head, talking to the guys. I followed her eye line in surprise. “I can’t believe you’ve kept it to yourselves. I wouldn’t have been able to. Especially not planning it for so long.”

A secret? What was Sarah talking about? What had been planned for so long? I couldn’t work out what I was missing here. It was as if I had a few of the jigsaw pieces in front of me, but I couldn’t see the whole picture, however hard I tried. I rested my hands on my hips and stared at everyone in turn. Spike gave nothing away. Brock looked a little guilty. To be fair, Liam smiled happily at me, and Mickey had a blank expression on his face.

I didn’t think I was about to get anything from them, so I turned back to Sarah and Carrie instead. “What the hell is going on here? I am freaking out.”

Sarah simply laughed and winked at me, but Carrie had a little bit of sympathy. “Don’t worry. You’ll like this surprise. Trust me.”

This did reassure me, but only a little bit because I didn’t like being kept out of the loop. Surprises were always fun once they were revealed, but the anticipation was always a little much for me. I couldn’t cope with any of this, it was too much.

“This is our wedding day,” Spike finally declared as he opened his arms wide. “We are going to have a traditional wolf celebration of our union.”

“We are?” I clapped my hands to my mouth in shock. I’d always liked the idea of getting married, especially with these four guys, but I didn’t know that it was possible. I didn’t know that we would be able to make it work. If only I’d thought to ask if there was a wolf tradition for this. “Oh my God, are you serious? That is incredible. I want to get married so bad.”

When I turned back around to Carrie and Sarah, they were smiling at me happily, understanding something that I hadn’t picked up on yet. That was why they had made the trip over to Rockport from LA, so they could come and be with me on the happiest day of my life…well, after the day that Katie was born, of course. I hugged them once more because I was just so happy.

“It won’t look like the sort of wedding you are used to,” Liam warned me. “Especially because Sarah is here as the officiant to perform the ceremony. You know, being wolf royalty and everything. But I can promise you that it’s going to be a lot of fun.”

I didn’t mind what it looked like. Especially since I had thoroughly enjoyed every moment that I had experienced wolf traditions in the past. I could hardly contain the intensity of the excitement surging through my veins.

Carrie eagerly took baby Katie, and she held on to her like she was the sweetest little thing that she had ever laid eyes on as Sarah got ready to perform the ceremony. I asked all the guys in turn if I looked okay because I couldn’t be sure if I was wearing the right thing for such an important day, but they all insisted that I looked great.

I was quite sure that they were biased, though. They always said that I looked amazing no matter what, even when I was in sweatpants with messy hair. Even when I had just woken up in the morning, so I supposed today they would think that about me too.

But then it was time. Much to my surprise, the first part of the ceremony was done with everyone shifting into wolves. Well, Spike, Brock, Liam, Mickey, and Sarah, anyway. As the men circled me and performed steps in unison unlike anything I had ever seen before, which suggested to me that they had been practicing this for a while now, I couldn’t help but think about Katie some more. At this age, we couldn’t tell if she would be a wolf shifter or a human. There was no way to know until she got older. I kinda thought she would because I was sure that the genes of the men would overshadow mine, but there was no way to tell. I was grateful that she would have all of us around her to love and care for her, no matter what happened.

I ran my fingers through the fur of all the wolves, loving the different colors and textures, the symbolism of them all. We were a unit, all of us were together all the time, but all the guys were unique as well and brought something phenomenal to the table. I couldn’t take the giant smile off my face as I felt them all, as I touched them all.

But eventually, everything changed, and the guys all shifted back into their human forms. I watched them change quickly into smart-looking suits, ready for the next section, which turned out was a little bit like self-written vows.

“Arya,” Spike started as he took my hands in his. “You are the light of my life. The sun in the sky beaming down on me. I don’t know what I would do without the heat of you beside me all the time. I promise to offer you the same light, the same warmth, the same comfort forever.”

I parted my lips, about to respond, but I didn’t get the chance. Brock took my hands in his and turned me to face him. “Arya, you are the air in my lungs. You make it easier for me to breathe. Life is easier when you are there because you offer me a wall of protection. That is what I intend to do for you, to make sure that you can always breathe easily.”

Burning hot tears balled up behind my eyes as the emotions clung to me. This really was the best surprise that I had ever had sprung upon me. I would never let myself get nervous and wound up like that again. I was so happy. My heart was singing with joy.

“Arya, you are the reason my blood pumps around my body,” Mickey told me happily. He sounded more choked up than I had ever heard before. He wasn’t usually one for getting all emotional, but here he was, so happy that he couldn’t contain himself. “You are the reason that I am alive. I don’t think you know how much you give me life, but you do.” His lips twisted up into a giant smile. “You are love. Pure love to me, so I intend to make you feel loved every single day as well.”

I turned to Liam before he even came for me because I was so eager to hear what he had to say. It was awesome hearing all these things from the men that made me constantly happy.

“Oh, Arya,” he started with a slightly husky tone. “You are an angel to me. You are my princess. I wouldn’t be the man I am today without you. You gave me confidence, you gave me certainty, and you showed me that I have a place in this world. You have given me more than any other person could give me, and I don’t know how I will ever be able to repay you.”

I reached forwards and touched his cheek gently. “You don’t have to repay me. You repay me every single day because you have all done the same for me too. You have all made me feel loved and happy. Then more than that, you have given me Katie…”

“First of many, I hope,” Liam chuckled, and I joined in because, yes, I really did hope that she was the first of many. I wanted to have a massive family with these men.

“We are going to be happy forever, you know?” I told Liam and the others as I span around to look at them all. “I just know that we are going to have the best life. I’m looking forward to spending every single day with all of you.”

By the time I got to the end of that sentence, I was already in tears. But not for long because all the guys wrapped their arms around me and hugged me tight, solidifying our union once and for all. They all took the time to kiss me, tell me how much they loved me, and make me feel the happiest I had ever felt.

This was truly a happy ever after like no other. I was so glad that I had taken a chance on love because it really was the best thing that had ever happened to me. My future was going to be just perfect…

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