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She smiled at the again-visible man in layers of black, standing on the edge of her kitchen. “So, you can make yourself invisible, huh?”

His lips twitched. “That’s one way to put it,” he said. “I move between dimensions.” He stepped forward and extended an arm, swinging it on a collision course with the solid back of her sofa. Except the faintest trace of his smoke-like energy swirled up his arm and his arm swept right through her couch as he continued forward. Unhindered.

Sienna let out a whistle. “That’s awesome. Freaky, but awesome.” It also reminded her of another question she’d had. “So, you can move between this physical world and some other shadowy one—” He nodded when she paused and she continued. “You can teleport, and of course there’s the death touch thing. What about mind control? Is that why you thought I’d forget you after last time?”

Fenn chuckled, the sound low and rumbly. “The only part of death I do not control is the ability to reverse it,” he said. “Which means I possess many abilities, designed to make me better at eliminating my target. That includes the ability to push a susceptible human consciousness a certain way.”

Sienna mulled that over. “Like a bad influence?”


Somehow she was standing inside his personal space again. “My sisters are going to freak out so bad.”

His gloved hands lifted to settle on her hips. “When are they expecting you?”

Sienna groaned at the reminder and dropped her head to his chest. “I reallydohave to get everything into the car and get going. It’ll take most of the day to get there.”

Fenn bent down and pulled her lips up to his in a long, slow kiss that had her knees threatening to buckle. “Don’t worry about the drive, Sienna. What time do you need to be there?”

Bare Skin

Thiswasathousandtimes better than driving by herself through a burgeoning winter storm, trying to force the holiday spirit by mixing her favorite alt rock bands with popular Christmas covers. Fenn had offered to transport her, and her things, in the moments before her anticipated arrival time. If they did the transportation in the car she could drive up to her sister’s house as expected and leave them none-the-wiser. It felt a little deceptive, but it was harmless. Frankly, it sounded exciting.

Almost as exciting as the pleasurable groans Fenn couldn’t seem to contain as she explored his subtly sculpted muscles. Each low, rumbly vibration sent a thrill through her and encouraged her to continue teasing his skin with her lips, her tongue, and her wandering fingers. She’d never met a man so appreciative of every light touch. It tore at her heart a little to consider the reason behind that reaction, and in turn, she vowed to touch as much of him as he allowed.

She was somewhere between amazed and frustrated that currently that was only everythingabovethe waist. At least based on the clothing he still wore.

All of him was pale, of course. She’d expected that, just as she’d expected him to be cooler to the touch. But she’d been honestly a bit surprised by the definition to his arms and his abdomen. It only made her want to touch and lick him that much more.

She trailed a hand slowly down his arm, making sure to put some weight behind it so that her fingers rolled over every muscle, and angled her head to kiss along his collar bone. His hand came up, dragging over her side and up to her shoulder. His touch raised goosebumps of anticipation she’d never experienced before.

Fenn sucked in a breath when she teased his skin with her teeth and she smiled.

She took hold of his arm, pulled his hand to her face, and pressed a kiss to his palm. Even his fingers were smooth, unblemished, as if he hadn’t worked a single day in his human life. She couldn’t bring herself to wonder about that in the moment, however, and proceeded to slide her tongue around his fingers at a slow pace. She teased it between the digits, swirled it around the length of one, then moved on to another, before opening her mouth a bit more and swallowing two of his fingers past her lips. She rubbed her tongue along them and sucked intermittently, and her body pulsed in response to his long, low groan. He hooked his fingers into her cheek and tugged until she craned her neck enough to look up at him.

The heat and hunger in his formerly cool eyes had her squirming and she released his fingers with a wet pop. He was breathing hard and his other hand was glued to her backside. When he’d shoved that hand beneath the waistline of her pants for a better grip she’d made her own sounds of happiness, as much for the contact as for the display of desire. But even that didn’t compare to the pure want in his eyes.

Sienna trailed her thumb over his wrist bone, her gaze slipping from his to take him in as his fingers stretched to brush across her bare shoulder. That was when she saw it. The one debatable blemish on his otherwise unmarked flesh. A tattoo.

Captivated, Sienna pulled his arm up for a better inspection.

The tattoo took up most of the back of his right forearm. It looked like a gray, maybe silver, scythe swinging out and downward from a cloud of off-white, almost yellowish-green, mist. The blade of the scythe curved around just enough that the top portion actually curled over his wrist, covering the major vein there. The faintest trace of red lined the edge of the scythe’s blade, barely visible, even up close as she was. It was beautiful, but haunting.

“The mark of Death,” Fenn said, his voice thicker than usual. He rolled his wrist so the bulk of the tattoo was visible again. “Each member of the Four is identified by his mark. This is mine, and so long as the magic of the void resides inside me, it remains.”

Sienna traced her fingers lightly along the length of the scythe, noting the way Fenn’s flesh pebbled and he suppressed a shiver. She looked up and met his gaze again. “Well at least you got some cool ink out of it.”

Fenn snorted and crawled the fingers of his other hand past the edge of her panties until he was digging into her flesh. “Come up here and kiss me.”

Her body clenched with a fresh wave of desire at his demand. Sienna released his arm and deliberately shimmied her way up his torso, letting her lacey bra drag across his chest and her pelvis rub against his. She’d intended to be teasing him, but the plan backfired, as each shift and wiggle only exacerbated her desire.

Still, she reached his face and danced her fingers along his jawbone. “Am I supposed to say ‘yes, sir’?”

Fenn grunted, latched a hand to the nape of her neck, and pulled her lips to his. He held her tightly against him, taking her full weight as their tongues danced between mouths. She could feel his desire pressing into her, could feel his passion from his grip and the way he kissed her.

She squirmed a little more, reached behind her as her movements caused the kiss to break, and distracted his inevitable question by dropping open-mouthed kisses to his neck and shoulder. Her fingers worked quickly and when the bra came free she sat up, adjusting so she was straddling him, and shrugged it off. “I know we only have a few hours,” she said, “but I want you, Fenn. And if we’re really doing this, then let’s do it all.”

Fenn growled low and finally released her ass in favor of dragging both hands up her torso. He studied her for a moment as he touched her, trailing his fingers over the swell of her breasts and thumbing her nipples. Sienna let her responding groan fall free and grabbed his wrists, holding them to her chest. He didn’t require encouragement before his light, explorative touch became heavier.
