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"Late as usual, Finn," Rob said, looking at his watch. "I wanted to fully brief you."

"Sorry, Rob," Finn said. "I was signing autographs."

Rob shook his head. "You've been in the papers for our cases, but you're hardly front-page material."

"With a jawline like this?" Finn winked at Amelia.

"Morning, Finn," Amelia rolled her eyes and then greeted him with a hint of a smile, her voice carrying a mix of warmth and professional focus.

Rob chimed in: "We've been waiting for forty minutes. I thought you'd decided to walk here."

"I just wanted to make a grand entrance, Rob. You know me. So, what's the deal?"

"Will you tell him or will I?" Amelia said.

Rob's expression turned grave. "Possible double homicide in Cornwall, at an old castle estate after a bad flood. It's a big deal – one of the victims is a cousin of the prime minister."

Finn's brow furrowed at the gravity of the case. "The prime minister?"

Rob nodded. "Yes, and he's personally requested you two to lead the investigation. It's sensitive, and we need our best on it. I assume he doesn't want this to turn into some sort of political scandal."

"Now now, Rob," Finn said sarcastically, patting him on the shoulder. "Not every politician puts their career before caring."

The sound of an approaching train broke their brief silence, the mechanical rhythm growing louder as it neared. Finn glanced at the arriving train, then back at Rob. "We won't let you down."

Rob handed Finn a file. "Everything we know so far is in here. Review it on your way."

Rob then turned to Amelia. "Bring him back in one piece, would you, Winters? I don't want the FBI to think we lost one of their brightest because he got off at the wrong station."

"I'll keep him on a short leash," she said. "Come on, Finn."

Amelia stepped onto the train with her suitcase. "Finn?"

"I'll be there in a second," Finn said.

Amelia raised an eyebrow, then disappeared into one of the carriages.

Finn turned to Rob.

"Why do I think I'm going to hate this?" Rob said.

"Eh..." Finn rubbed the back of his head nervously. "Something is going on with Demi."

"Still in London then?" Rob asked.

"Kind of," Finn said. "Not that far from London... In a small town..."

"At the cottage!?" Rob said in shock.

"Yes," Finn said. "I'll explain later. We're not back together. But... Rob, someone might be harassing her, and it could be something to do with me. I don't know all the facts yet, but I put her up at your Aunt's cottage. I hope you don't mind."

"Of course not," Rob said. "I'll keep an eye on her, if you like."

"That would be great, Rob."

Amelia opened the tiny top slotted window next to her seat in the carriage and shouted through the gap. "Finn! Hurry up!"

Finn jumped onto the train and then headed into the carriage, meeting Amelia at the window. The train began to slowly move.
