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"You should laugh more often, Inspector," Amelia said.

As they continued walking, Finn couldn't help but feel the weight of the case still pressing down on him. He knew there was more to uncover, more victims to find justice for, but for now, it was time to take a step back.

"Here we are," Ulman announced, stopping in front of their platform. "Your train will be arriving shortly."

"Thanks again, Inspector." Finn extended his hand, which Ulman shook firmly. "Safe travels," Amelia added, offering a warm smile.

"Goodbye, and good luck," Ulman replied, tipping his hat, but staying on the platform.

As the train pulled in with a screech of metal on metal, Finn and Amelia stepped closer to the edge of the platform. The past few days had been a whirlwind of danger, discovery, and undeniable chemistry between them. But as they boarded the train together, Finn couldn't shake the feeling that their story was far from over.

Amelia glanced around the bustling train station, her red hair gleaming under the bright lights. She looked back at Ulman, her green eyes filled with concern. "Inspector, do you have any idea how extensive this people trafficking ring was?"

Ulman sighed, running a hand through his thick mustache. "I'm afraid I don't know the full extent, Miss Winters. Other agencies have been brought in to help, but it's going to take time to uncover everything."

"Those poor women," Amelia murmured, her voice heavy with sympathy. Finn could see the pain in her eyes, and he knew she was thinking about the countless victims of Drake Keatings and his associates.

"Indeed," Ulman agreed, his expression somber. "It's a disturbing thought. But we've made progress – all of the Keatings and some of the Brentfords have been arrested. And we've identified the last victim, her name was Frances. Her family can at least have closure. It's a small victory, but a significant one."

"To small victories," Finn said.

Ulman tipped his hat.

The distant rumble of an approaching train broke the silence, heralding the next leg of their journey. Finn and Amelia exchanged a smile. As they stepped onto the train, Finn knew they were more than just partners in solving crimes – they had kissed, and for a brief moment, made magic. But Finn didn't know if that was the end of it. People do extreme things when facing the end together.

The doors slid shut behind them as they found their seats. The train empty but for one or two other passengers.

Settling into the cushioned seats, Amelia asked softly: "So, Finn, do you think think this was our last case before you head back to the US?"

"I don't know," Finn admitted, the thought of leaving England behind a sad one. "But for now, I guess we'll just have to see where this train takes us."

"Indeed," Amelia agreed, her gaze meeting his once more, both aware that the path ahead was as unpredictable as the cases they solved together.

Just as Finn and Amelia shared a smile, the train beginning to pull away from the station, Finn's cell phone buzzed in his pocket. He frowned, pulling it out and glancing at the caller ID. It was Rob.

"Excuse me, Amelia," he said, swiping to accept the call. "Hey, Rob. What's up?"

"Finn," Rob replied, his voice tense. "We've got a problem. Your boss from the FBI, Director Seward, called me to let me know the details. Max Vilne has escaped custody. Hearing what your boss had to say... My God, Vilne is a piece of work."

Finn felt a jolt of panic shoot through him. Finn knew that name. It was a name he hoped he would never hear uttered again. Vilne was a serial killer Finn had spent two years tracking before he confronted him during the Nancy Milligan hostage situation. Finn still had the scars from that case, and the man was without doubt the most twisted and intelligent criminal he had ever encountered.

"When did it happen?" Finn asked, almost frightened of the answer.

"A few days ago," Rob said. "The thing is... They called because they have intel that, somehow, and they have no clue yet how he managed it... He managed to escape the US and come to the UK. And... They think he has you firmly in his sights."

Finn felt sick. Vilne had a history of torturing people and their loved ones both psychologically and emotionally. If he had really made it to the UK and wanted revenge on Finn for putting him away, not only was Finn not safe, but neither was anyone he cared about.

"Rob... Where is Demi?" Finn asked, anxiety rising in his throat.

"She's at my house," Rob said. "She's quite safe."

Finn rubbed a bead of sweat from his forehead. "Rob. Listen to me. She's not safe. You need to get her out of there, now!"
