Page 19 of Let Her Forget

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Help? You don't know the meaning of the word, the man fumed, his anger fueling him like a raging wildfire. You'll get what you deserve soon enough.

He could feel his heart pounding against his ribcage, threatening to burst free as the officer drew closer to the spot where he lay in wait. Every muscle in his body tensed, ready to spring into action at the opportune moment.

The man's breath hitched in his throat as the officer's flashlight swept across the forest floor mere inches away from his feet. But the shadows enveloped him, shielding him from the officer's unsuspecting gaze.

"Is anyone there?" the police officer called out again, hopelessness seeping into his tone.

And then, finally, the moment presented itself. The cop had unwittingly stepped right into the man's trap, dangerously close to his hidden predator.

"Your time is up," the man whispered to himself, his voice barely audible amongst the rustling leaves and distant nocturnal creatures.

As he prepared to strike, the man's thoughts returned to the reason behind his unyielding hatred. The image of her face, forever etched in his memory, fueled his determination to see this through. He owed her that much.

And with a final deep breath, he set his plan into motion, unleashing the full force of his pent-up fury on the unsuspecting officer.

"Did you kill her?" the man shouted suddenly, his voice raspy and filled with rage.

The cop, caught off guard, whipped around, his flashlight beam slicing through the darkness like a blade. The shadows danced wildly as he searched for the source of the voice.

"Who's out there?" the officer demanded, trying to mask the nervous tremor in his voice. "Show yourself!"

Heart pounding in his chest, the man tried to steady his breathing. He had revealed himself now, but he needed to know the truth. He couldn't let this killer walk free.

"Answer me!" he roared, his voice echoing through the woods. "Did you kill her?"

The cop's face contorted in confusion, his eyes darting from side to side as he attempted to locate the man.

"Who the hell are you talking about?" the officer barked, frustration edging into his tone. "I don't know what you're on about!"

The man clenched his jaw, feeling hot anger surging within him.

"Her name," the man spat, struggling to keep his emotions in check. "Was she just another victim to you? A plaything to discard when you were done?"

Despite the raging torrent of emotion, the man knew he had to remain hidden, at least for now. His grip on the rock remained firm, its weight a constant reminder of the retribution he sought.

"Listen, I don't know what kind of sick game you're playing," the cop said, his voice wavering slightly. "But if there's something you want to report, come out here and talk face to face."

The man hesitated, torn between his thirst for justice and the nagging doubt that perhaps he was wrong about this cop. As he grappled with his thoughts, the chilling wind whispered through the trees, urging him to make a choice.

As the officer turned away, his beam of light cutting through the darkness and casting eerie shadows on the forest floor, the man's heart pounded in his chest like a relentless drum. The time had come.

"Last chance," the man muttered, barely audible against the rustling leaves above him. "Did you kill her?"

The cop paused for a moment, uncertainty flickering across his face. "I said I don't know what you're talking about!" he shouted, exasperation evident in his strained voice.

"Then you leave me no choice," the man whispered, making up his mind in that instant.

He sprang from his hiding place with cat-like agility, heart racing as adrenaline surged through his veins. His eyes locked onto the back of the cop's skull, a vulnerable target exposed just long enough for the man to strike.

"Wha--" the cop began to say, sensing the movement behind him, but it was too late.

With a swift, ferocious arc, the man brought the rock down upon the officer's head. The sickening crunch of bone echoed through the quiet woods, accompanied by the muffled thud of the cop's lifeless body hitting the damp earth.

Chest heaving, the man stared at his fallen foe, bloodied rock still clutched in his trembling hand. A mix of relief, guilt, and fear swirled within him, but the deed was done. He had avenged her, or so he thought.

"Forgive me," he murmured, wiping sweat and tears from his brow. "But I had to know the truth."

Within the depths of the darkened woods, only silence bore witness to his confession.
