Page 4 of Let Her Forget

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Fiona waited with bated breath at the door of Jake’s apartment. She hadn’t told him she was coming by—her mind had been too scattered, and she hadn’t realized it until she was already here. But she needed to see him, and she prayed he was home.

After a long moment, Jake pulled the door open, a look of shock on his handsome face. With his ruffled brown hair and hint of stubble along his strong jaw, Fiona could still hardly believe he was hers.

“Fiona?” he asked. “I didn’t know you were coming over—”

Before he could finish his sentence, Fiona threw herself at him, pulling him into a hug. The scent of Jake's cologne enveloped Fiona as she stepped through the door of his apartment, a comforting reminder of the embers of hope that burned within her.

After everything, Jake Tucker was Fiona's rock—the FBI agent who she'd been assigned to work with, and inevitably fell in love with. He had been training her, helping her work toward becoming a full-fledged agent herself. And on top of all of that, he was a solid boyfriend, a man she could trust.

A tear traced down her cheek before being caught by Jake's thumb, his warm brown eyes filled with concern and understanding as she looked up at him.

"Hey," he whispered, pulling her into a tight embrace. "Tell me everything."

“Jake, I messed up.” Fiona's voice wavered. She leaned into Jake's strong arms, finding solace in the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against her own. "Daniel said he might remember someone named Joslyn... that she could still be alive," Fiona admitted, her voice barely audible. “But I played into his game. I let him see my emotions, I let him break me.”

"Wow, Red." Jake's grip tightened around her, protective and reassuring. "That's... something."

She looked up into his eyes, always captivated by how handsome he was. The shaggy brown hair that framed his gentle face and the slight stubble on his chin were the constants that had seen them through so much together. As they stood in the dimly lit living room, Fiona allowed herself to relax and hold onto Jake, recalling all they'd been through in their relationship. It hadn’t always been easy. With the cases they’d worked, and with Jake going through the breakup with his ex-partner, Lauren. Somehow, in the end, Fiona and Jake had managed to pull through, and she couldn’t be more grateful for that.

“Why are you suddenly smiling?” Jake asked.

Fiona laughed to herself. "Remember when we first met?" she asked softly, her voice laced with nostalgia. "We started off as partners and friends while you were dealing with your, well…”

Jake chuckled, the sound rumbling through his chest. "Yeah, I can't believe we made it through that mess. And then you got caught in your own toxic relationship. But we never stopped caring for each other, did we?"

"No, we didn't," Fiona agreed. They had clung to their friendship like a lifeline, eventually finding the courage to take the plunge and start their relationship when both were single again. "I'm just so grateful to have you by my side, Jake."

"Me too, Red...” he trailed off, and for a moment, Fiona thought she caught a hint of something distant on him. Still, his words wrapped around her heart like a warm blanket, shielding it from the cold grip of doubt and fear. She needed that comfort more than ever as she faced the possibility of finding Joslyn alive, or worse, confirming her darkest fears.

"Jake, I don't know what I'd do without you," she whispered, resting her head on his chest.

"Hey, you won't have to find out," he replied, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. "I'm not going anywhere."

And for a brief moment, suspended in his warmth, Fiona believed him.

Fiona reluctantly broke the embrace, her fingers lingering on Jake's solid chest. The scent of his aftershave mixed with her own floral perfume, a comforting reminder of their connection. Her eyes searched his, trying to draw strength from his unwavering support.

"Jake, I know Daniel could be lying about Joslyn being alive," she admitted, her voice trembling with equal parts hope and fear. "But I have to hold onto this chance. After all these years, it's the closest I've gotten to finding my sister."

Jake's eyes softened, but the worry lines etched across his forehead deepened. He cupped Fiona's face in his hands, his thumbs caressing her cheeks. "I know how important this is to you, Red. And I agree, we need to look into it. But I'm worried Daniel won't talk. He clearly enjoys playing games, and I don't want to see you get hurt more than you already have."

Fiona stared back at him, absorbing the genuine concern in his voice. She knew he was right – Daniel was a dangerous man, a sadistic psychopath who thrived on tormenting others. But she couldn't let that stop her, not when Joslyn's fate hung in the balance.

Taking a deep breath, Fiona straightened her shoulders and met Jake's gaze with renewed determination. "I appreciate your concern, but I can't back down now. You know as well as I do that if there's even the slightest chance Joslyn is still alive, I have to try."

Jake sighed, the weight of their shared burden heavy in the air between them. "I understand, Red. Just promise me you'll be careful, okay? We'll work together, like always, and we'll find the truth."

Nodding, Fiona leaned forward and pressed her lips against Jake's in a gentle kiss.


Fiona lied on Jake’s couch with him for some time, simply enjoying each other’s company, but when the adrenaline of Fiona’s jail visit wore off, Fiona couldn’t help but notice that Jake seemed like his mind was elsewhere. Fiona could sense that something was off, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. As they sat together on the couch, their legs entwined and fingers laced, she continued to vent her frustrations about Daniel Grove.

"Every time I think we're getting closer, he finds a way to slip through our fingers," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I can't help but feel like he's playing with me, Jake, and I hate it."

"Red, we will figure this out," Jake reassured her, but his eyes seemed unfocused, as if his thoughts were somewhere else entirely. It wasn't like Jake to be so distracted, especially when they were discussing something as important as Joslyn's case.
