Page 57 of Partner Material

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She punched me in the shoulder and laughed again. “I know. It always takes me a second to readjust when I come from the city. I love New York, though. I’ll probably never leave. Moving there seemed like an impossible dream when I was 22, but now it just feels like home. I like feeling fancy.” She rolled her eyes. “I know, that’s terrible.”

“No, I don’t think so at all. In New York you can be anyone. It’s one of the things I love about it too.”

She snuggled deeper into the pillow and gave me a slow smile. “It would have killed me to agree with you just a month ago.”

I leaned back against the headboard and propped an arm behind my head. “Yeah. I know.”

She closed her eyes briefly and I admired her dark lashes and her finely arched brows.I am so gone for this woman.

“My parents can be difficult too, though. I’m a little nervous for you to meet them.”

I dipped a finger down to smooth the wrinkle from between her eyes. “Stop worrying. Do you never bring anyone home?”

Her eyes flashed to mine and she bit her lip. I could practically read what she was thinking.You’re not anyone. You’re just a fling and then we’re back to being enemies.I so badly wanted her to say that this was something, that she was proud to bring me home to them.

But instead she shook her head. “I’ve never brought anyone home to meet my parents. Well, only Cynthia. But she doesn’t count.”

For a second I was stunned. “No one? Not a boyfriend, nothing?”

“God, don’t make it sound so lame,” she huffed.

“I’m not. It’s just that you’re basically the hottest woman alive, and you’re fucking brilliant. I sort of expect an ex-boyfriend to be oiling his shot gun as we drive into town later.”

She shoved against my chest, pink at my compliments. “You’re the only one who thinks that, Andrew.”

I’m the only one who matters.But I didn’t say anything.

After a second, she hopped up and rifled through her bag, pulling out pajamas. I watched as she hastened into the bathroom to change.

I quickly shucked my driving clothes and opted for silky pajama bottoms and a black t-shirt. Margo returned in an oversized tee and silk shorts. My eyes arrowed to her legs and climbed higher to where the hem of her shorts swung around the tops of her shapely thighs.Was she trying to kill me?She clambered back onto the bed, oblivious to the effect she was having on me. I wanted more than the small tastes of her I’d had, but something in me was desperate for her to make the first move tonight, to show me she cared. Because for me, this had gone beyond just a few nights together.



Isat on the bed, trying to ignore the way Andrew’s pajamas appeared to be specially designed to make women wild for him. Need was like a drumbeat through my gut. I tried to focus on the movie but it was impossible with his presence. He leaned against the headboard, arm behind his head, his black t-shirt pulling tight across his chest and his bicep flexing temptingly.

We had been so good together. Andrew fucked with brutal intensity and careful attention that had my skin tight. The tension felt stifling. I shifted on the bed. I itched to pace around the room or go for a run. Anything to relieve the need for Andrew. Why was I hesitating? He’d made it pretty clear he was interested in me. But now, with him here, helping me, about to meet my family, it felt likemore. And more with Andrew meant more heartbreak, more pain when it ended.Grab onto the things that make you happy. I squeezed my eyes shut for one brief moment. Even if this was the last time, I wanted it.

I walked right to the TV and clicked it off. Turning to Andrew, I gave him a direct look and pulled off my t-shirt. He sat at attention, his gaze caressing my stomach, my breasts, my face. I could practically feel his eyes against my skin. “Come here,” he murmured.

I straddled him and I couldn’t help the words that spilled from my lips. “Do you know how much I lust after you?”Probably just about as much as I lust after you,his eyes said.

I smoothed greedy fingers over the muscles of his stomach and sides, feeling my own stomach tighten with need. I couldn’t give Andrew my heart, but I could give him a little bit of me. I could make this special, the way he deserved.

“I sat there staring at you in the car today, wondering what your jaw would feel like under my tongue.” I ran my tongue over his sharp jaw, inhaling his scent. “Better than I imagined.” His length jerked and I stifled a moan. “I fucking love feeling how turned on you are.” The words made his whole body go taut and I smiled against his skin.

“You made a right hand turn and the shift of the muscles in your arm made me wet. I almost asked you to pull over and fuck me in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant.” Just the memory of it had me panting. “Sitting with you in that office every day has been absolute torture.” I sat up and held his eyes. “I’m gone for you Andrew.” The words spilled out of me, even though they were very likely a bad idea. “And I can’t read you. I have no idea if you feel the same way. You’re so controlled. And believe me, it’s hot as hell, but just this one time, I would really love for you to crack.” I swallowed, knowing my emotions were written on my face. There was one heartbeat, then two, while his eyes scanned my face.

He surged off the bed and flipped me beneath him. His expression was wild. “You want to see me crack?” He shoved roughly against me and the friction made my stomach flip. “This is me cracking,” he hissed. “It’s been eight long years of wanting you. I’m gone for you too.”

I arched up against him and then his hands were everywhere, smoothing over stomach, palming my breasts. Each touch stoke my need. His breaths came harsh and my pants matched them. “God, you make me crazy. These tiny shorts.” He slipped his hand under the hem and his hot palm kneaded my ass. “They make me want to rip them off of you.” His hand moved down my leg and he pulled me closer to him. His erection was right there. My eyes arrowed to where it tented his silky black pants. Desire thrummed in my gut, making it hard to focus. I felt strung too tight. He reached down and palmed himself while I watched, his hand moving sure and strong over his length. “Do you want to know what I think about every time I come?”

I nodded. I desperately wanted to know what could make this beautiful man lose control. He stared me directly in the eyes as he said “You. I think about fucking you.” He slipped his hand under his pants and gave a long stroke for emphasis. I shuddered, picturing how he’d stroked into me just yesterday. I desperately wanted this man. “The number of times I’ve imagined licking you until you shuddered around my tongue. The few tastes I’ve gotten will never be enough.” He gripped himself and tugged, the muscles in his arms tensing. “It has always been you. I’ve wanted you since the first day you argued with me in the conference room. I may never be done with you.” He stroked again. The tip of his cock peeked out from his waistband. The smooth head of it made my mouth water. His eyes looked wild, like he was about to lose control and spend on my stomach.Why did the idea of that turn me on so much?I moaned. “Please, Andrew.”

“You want that? Then say it.”
