Page 2 of Ruthlessly Mine

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“Sometime this week. That’s all we got in the way of information.”

I nodded as a loud noise drew both our attention. The yelps and passionate moans were already exaggerated, and it was only a little after eight. Going to be a long ass night. “I’ll keep an eye out. You know he won’t change his itinerary.”

“Naw, I know. Just warning you,” Breaker said then took a gulp, allowing the ice to rattle in his glass. “Hey, new club on the strip. What you say we go later?”

I wasn’t into the bar scene, but tonight? Yeah, I craved some company. “Why the hell not?”

“Fucking fantastic. About damn time.” His laugh was genuine.

The vantage point was a good one, allowing us to see the entire back of the house as well as the beachfront leading up to Diego’s house. If any goons were stupid enough to make an attempt to infiltrate the compound tonight, they’d have to get through some heavy firepower. I turned my attention to the ocean, concentrating on the sound of the waves. I found some solace in the rolling swells, even if I felt dead inside. Within a few minutes, the exterior lights flashed, forcing a sigh.

“Hey, we’re being summoned,” Breaker chortled. “This should be good. Damn recruit is wet behind the ears, no clue what he’s getting himself into.”

“Weren’t we all that way? Once.” I snorted and swirled my drink, watching as certain guests headed for the main room inside. Everyone knew their place. The party girls, dancers, and other ‘sex toys’ would wait, preparing themselves for the real party to begin. I rubbed my forehead before following behind Breaker. I’d seen my share of this shit during my tenure. Breaking in a new recruit meant testing his resolve, as well as his pain threshold. Instead of being numb, I’d grown more incensed.

“Yeah, you’re right, but either the recruits are getting younger or we’re getting old, my man.” Breaker punched me on the arm.

I hadn’t hit thirty yet but there were very few patches of skin on my body devoid of a scar. The business was brutal, barbaric. “Speak for yourself, jerkoff. Let’s go. Craving pussy tonight.” How many times had I spoken the same words? They’d become expected of me. No one knew I was a one-woman man, longing for a solid relationship. Maybe I was just dreaming. There was no such thing as a happy every after, not for a man like me.

“Fuck, me too. More than one, man.” He rubbed his crotch and gave me a sly grin.

Sighing, I turned away. I could stand in the back of the room, easily able to see over the crowd. At six foot five, I towered over the majority of people, especially Diego. His diminutive size had garnered him the nickname of Napoleon, a punishable offense in Diego’s eyes. The chatter continued, the drinks flowing, guests completely at ease. Only the rather ominous-looking bench complete with thick iron shackles gave any indication of the event they’d all been invited to watch. I darted a glance at the rolling fire, the wood-burning, walk-in–style fireplace custom built using Diego’s specifications. A quick shiver ran down my spine. Things had certainly changed since the day I was welcomed into the family.

When Diego appeared out of the shadows, the entire room moved to complete silence. He stood with his hands behind his back, an unassuming man with a convincing smile. Few comprehended that he was a true monster.

But I knew.

He’d removed his jacket. Now standing in only a crisp white shirt and black linen pants, he appeared almost nonchalant, as if hosting a barbecue. Well, in a sense he was.

“Friends and family members, welcome to my humble abode,” Diego said, his smile increasing. He moved toward several of the closest women, taking each one by the arm. His formal greeting? A kiss on the mouth. A brush of his hand in all the inappropriate places. Women were nothing more than possessions to him. When he was done fondling the guests, he slowly began to roll up his sleeves. I started to get antsy, especially since the dumb kid who’d agreed to this bullshit stood in an entranceway leading to what Diego called a place of peace. What Diego couldn’t say in front of his conservative friends was that he was the proud owner of a torture chamber. I’d been there twice, once for specialized discipline. I’d vowed never again.

My exhale must have been exaggerated given the few nasty looks I received. A sneer curled on my lip. Fuck the rest of the people. Let them enjoy the damn show.

Diego motioned for the men holding the kid’s arms to enter the room. While there was no hesitation, I could see the look of terror in the kid’s eyes. At least he’d been warned what he was about to face. After this? The kid was set, with a job paying well over what anyone at the age of nineteen could make doing something legitimate. If he lasted five years in the family without fucking it up, he’d earn his way to owning a condo, perhaps even on the beach.

It might be similar to the one I’d been gifted years before: floor-to-ceiling glass, sweeping views of the ocean, a chef’s kitchen, and all leather furniture.

The thought left a bad taste in my mouth. I polished off the drink as Diego went on about honor and respect, how his entire world had been built by men like Michael Sheffield. I hadn’t heard the kid’s name up until now and had only met him once. He wouldn’t last a year before running home to Mommy’s skirts, hiding for the rest of his life. But one day, he would be found. There was no leaving the family, at least if you wanted to live.

Michael was led toward Diego, his eyes moving back and forth in rapid succession. Even from where I stood, I could see the beads of sweat already rolling down the sides of the kid’s face.

“As you know, loyalty is more important in my family than anything else.” Diego casually said the words as he walked closer to the fire, his hand wrapping around a thick piece of iron, placing the already heated end on a special metal holder.

A few gasps could be heard coming from the guests.

Breaker gave me a look and wiped his forehead, a slight tic appearing in the corner of his mouth. At least my friend didn’t like this crap any more than I did. I shifted back and forth from foot to foot, growing more antsy. Only when Michael’s shirt was stripped away did the nonfamily guests seem to understand what they were about to witness.

Michael was going to be branded. This wasn’t a small nodule, perhaps a letter of Diego’s name. The dragon was ornate as well as large, the wound taking weeks to fully heal. I took several deep breaths, clenching my hand around my crystal tumbler, trying to keep my shit together. Diego always laughed about the ceremony, claiming this separated the men from the boys.

As Michael was tied down, several female guests began voicing their objection, strangled whispers echoing in the room. If Diego was annoyed, he certainly didn’t show it, merely giving the command to shackle Michael down. Within a few minutes, the iron was red hot. As Diego slipped into thick gloves, whistling some fucking show tune, Michael began to struggle in his bindings. I could hear the crackle and popping coming from the fire, burning a blistering hole into my mind.

I admit, not the best timing, but I’d had enough. My thudding footsteps pissed off one of the bosses. Tony was from the old school, primitive ways that he’d tried to get Diego to adapt to.

“Get your ass back here, Blade.” Tony’s hand wrapped around my arm, jerking.

I reacted on instinct and within a split second, my hand was around the asshole’s throat, Tony’s body slammed up against the wall with enough force that the area around us shook.

There were squeals from the women, several from the male guests, and even the sounds of guns being cocked. This kind of shit wasn’t supposed to happen. I dug my fingers into Tony’s skin, cutting off his air supply. I’d lifted him three feet into the air with ease, the adrenaline kicking my ass. Yeah, I was pissed off and ready to pick a fight. This would no doubt amuse Diego even more.
