Page 26 of Ruthlessly Mine

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Damn it if the last two groups didn’t walk out the door, Dickhead Number Two grinning and nodding as they walked out.

Fuck. Fuck.Fuck!

“That’s it. Time is up. Get the hell out.” I pointed toward the door, my legs shaking. For all the bravado I’d used, I knew I’d played my last card. I heard the rattle in my voice and knew they did as well. My hand was sweaty as I tried to keep the phone out of their sight, fumbling to slide my finger across the screen. Time to call in reinforcements of our own.

“I think we’re going to play. Lock the door, bubba. Tonight, we’re gonna have some real fun and show these ladies who’s boss,” Mark sneered as he jumped over the bar.

The sound of breaking bottles forced a yelp from both Daphne and me. As Mark advanced, I prayed to God that Tina had already called the police. The asshole reacted, smacking the phone out of my hand, laughing as he used the heel of his boot to smash it into pieces.

Jesus. Christ. Please help us get out of here.Somehow, I didn’t think my pleading to some unknown force was going to help. These bastards were out for blood.Cool head. Think.Tina had to have heard this. Please God, let her have heard the commotion.

“Who ya think you’re calling? The po-lice?” Mark swaggered closer, taking several deep whiffs. “Chico, grab the slut from the back.”

Dickhead One reacted, taking long strides to the opposite end of the bar.

“Don’t you touch her!” I screamed.

Whoosh! Wham!

The sound was thunderous as Dickhead One was yanked into the air and tossed, his body careening into one of the tables. The noise was deafening, the asshole moaning when he finally slid down the wall, slumping over.

“Fuck!” Daphne exclaimed, backing away as she shifted into hysterics.

What in the hell was going on? I searched the shadows, trying to find the source, my heart racing. All I could think about was getting the girls out of harm’s way. I pushed at Daphne with almost no response.

Confused, the gang members reacted instantly, drawing various switchblades.

“The mo-fo thinks he can come into our place, bustin’ on our turf,” Ramrod yelled.

“Yeah, werafa! We rule,” Mark snarled as he swung around, glaring into the dim lighting. “Who the fuck did that? What the fuck?”

I took several deep breaths, eying the darkness, inching in front of Daphne. Who the hell would have the balls to take on the Desperados? The biker slipped out of the shadows, every move smooth and practiced, as if completely prepared to take on the gang. More powerful in appearance than I remembered, his chiseled face held a brutal look, his glare ice cold. Soulless. He stood to his full height, towering over the entire gang. Eyeing them one by one, I had no doubt he was sizing up his opponents.

“The lady said get out.” The biker’s words reverberated in the room, the deep bass booming but the words were clear and strong. When the gang hesitated, he walked closer to the bar, his boots thudding on the cheap linoleum floor.

Mark fisted my hair, yanking me closer, dragging his tongue down the side of my face. “The lady’s with me, white boy.”

Reacting, I snapped my elbow into Mark’s gut and pushed hard, knocking the wind out of him. I pushed Daphne toward the kitchen door, barely avoiding Mark’s furious grasp as he scrambled to get to me.

“You bitch!” Mark screeched, his swagger crumbling.

“You don’t talk to women like that. Fucker.” The biker took two more steps.

“Who the fuck do you think you are, ass wipe?” Dickhead Number Two rushed the biker, swinging his arm.

But the man was prepared, taking a fighter’s stance.

The punch was solid, hitting the jerkoff just under his chin, pitching him backwards. The biker yanked Mark over the bar, tossing the man like he was a ragdoll. The others rushed the blond, but he issued one punch after the other, pummeling the gang members as they approached.

“Grab Tina and get the hell out of here. Now!” I shoved Daphne through the swinging kitchen door and hovering in the shadows as the fight continued, holding my breath. Within seconds all was quiet and only one man remaining standing.

The biker.

He was savage.

He was sexy.

He was dangerous.
