Page 32 of Ruthlessly Mine

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“Mmm…” Shifting her hips back and forth, she created a wave of friction. “Blade… I…”

There was no holding back, no way I could stop the beast bursting at the seams of my skin from rearing its ugly head. There would be consequences for our actions, but at this point, I no longer cared. I crushed her mouth with mine, taking the woman who belonged to me, the one I needed to salvage my emotions, even my very life.

Damn the rest of the world.

Damn the fact I was no good for her.

And damn the monsters who would try to take her away from me.

There would be hell on earth.




I yearned for him.

This dark and dangerous man.

Yet I’d felt actual terror, true fear for my life. As the blade was placed against my throat, a whirlwind of vivid pictures passed over my field of vision. I thought the man I craved, the one who’d awakened the woman inside was going to kill me.

Then I knew differently.

His feral grunt said everything without the need for words. All the pent-up desires, the electricity we shared from the second we met had erupted. There was no holding back. There was no way to deny what had to be.

As he captured my lips, forcing his tongue inside, I tingled to the very core of my being. I could no longer feel my legs or understand anything but what we shared between us.

What he required of me.

He was a devious man, no good for me but everything that I needed. The way he’d spanked me, fucked me meant he could see past my mask. My breasts were crushed against his chest, allowing me to sense his wild heartbeat, the thump, thump that sent scattered echoes into my ears. And the taste of him was like nothing I’d had before, rugged and masculine. Our tongues entwined, our teeth gnashing together, and I threw one arm around his shoulder, my fingers clutching his hair. This made no sense, the way I was attracted to him, but since the moment I’d laid eyes on him, I had difficulty thinking about anything else.

The intimate engagement became a passionate roar, our bodies clinging together, a heatwave of desire. My heart fluttered and every cell and muscle in my body was on fire. I tore at his shirt, yanking the material from his waist and running my hand underneath. His body heat sizzled the pads of my fingers and the way his rippled muscles felt was the most powerful aphrodisiac I’d experienced. How could any man be this built?

A savage growl burst past his lips when he broke the kiss, his chest heaving from heavy breathing. He moved his open mouth across my cheek, licking along the base of my ear. When he whispered, my entire body seemed to float. “You’re mine. All mine.”

The words were exactly what I needed to hear.

He dragged his tongue down the side of my neck, moving to the valley between my breasts. Just his hot breath alone drove me crazy with longing. He kissed and licked the area, taking his time. My pussy quivered. I was so wet and so hot, wanting nothing more than to have his thick cock sliding in and out of me with savage abandon. I reached for him, cupping and caressing his crotch. With every ragged breath, every slight growl, I was flying free, no longer able to feel my legs.

Breaking the connection, he swept me into his arms. The way he held me was so possessive, a man who wouldn’t stop until he’d taken everything he felt he owned. Taking long strides toward the door, he kicked it shut behind him and I fumbled to slide the lock into place. I clung to him as he walked straight to my bedroom, only the warm glow of a small lamp on my nightstand highlighting the space. I heard the slight ping as the knife was placed in close proximity. Then the kisses became more gentle, breathless caresses of our lips moving against each other. I could taste the vodka. I could taste the whiskey. I could also taste his unfettered desire.

After easing me to my feet, he tore off his shirt, yanking it over his head and tossing the material. He cupped both sides of my face, staring into my eyes then slowly moving his hands to my shoulders, peeling away the material until my robe dropped to the floor. The silky teddy was crimson in color, the indulgence one of few I had. I’d taken a chance, risking perhaps my own sanity in selecting something so risqué to wear, but I didn’t care about the fact he was nothing more than a treacherous nomad. I refused to think about the fact I’d never laid eyes on him before yesterday. And I pushed aside any concept of a relationship.

In truth, I might never see him again.

“Stay still,” he whispered, and I knew his command was not to be denied.

I could only nod, fearful my voice would squawk out an answer.

Blade issued a series of primal noises as he used his index fingers, sliding the spaghetti straps from my shoulder blades. Using just the tips, he traced zigzags and lines as he wound the material around his fingers, tugging as he lowered them down my arms, exposing my breasts. Taking his time, he caressed the skin on my forearms, a slight curl forming on his lips. I could easily tell he was salivating as he homed in on my already erect nipples, dragging his tongue across the seam of his mouth in appreciation.

Quivering, I had every right to be embarrassed, to try to hide myself as I usually did. But with this man, whose hunger seemed to have no bounds, I felt vindicated as a woman. My breath came in scattered pants, and I realized my body was swaying. Even my vision was cloudy, as if I’d fallen into a fantasy.

Perhaps that’s all this could be, a glorious night of extreme passion that I would remember for a lifetime, the wicked incident before a mere taste.

Blade leaned down, breathing across the side of my neck, taking several deep whiffs. “Tell me what you crave.” He darted his tongue around the pulse in my neck before grazing the tips of his teeth back and forth.
