Page 102 of Lost Kingdom

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Hadn’t someone else mentioned that recently? I sifted through my memories.Skyler. He’d asked about it when he gave me the bramblefruit that night.

“After what you told me earlier,” the queen continued, “I began wondering if the fourth feather is not what it seems.”

I wrinkled my forehead. “What do you mean?”

“What do you know of Magi’s spells?”

I thought of Jeddak disguised as a Rathalan in Malengard. It was the only spell I’d ever seen. “Not much,” I admitted.

“Not everyone knows this, but a Magi’s spell will eventually fade unless it is bound in place by a marking.” Her eyes met mine. “I think the extra feather tattoo on your arm was a spell created to block your memories.”

“What?” I couldn’t conceal my shock. Could she be right? Jeddak had a Magi’s mark on his chest that held a protection spell. Would it be too strange to think the mark on my arm held a more sinister spell? “Why would a Magi do that?”

“Perhaps you know something that this Magi wants forgotten.”

I couldn’t guess what that might be. “Is there any way to remove it?”

She shook her head. “If it’s what I think it is, only the Magi who created the mark can undo it. Or the mark and its spell will fade when the Magi dies. But there are only a few Magis I know of in Eastlandra who are powerful enough to forge such a mark. Unfortunately, their whereabouts are unknown to me. I’m sorry, Raven.”

I let out a frustrated sigh. After I restored my magic and saved my brother, now I had a Magi to hunt down.

The Bramblemen’sguestrooms were perched so high in the bramble branches that the light of the waning moon streamed through my window. I breathed in the wintry night air as my guard escort said good night and closed the door.

I sat down on the edge of the bed and removed my muddy boots, setting them beside the bed where I could reach them quickly if needed. The queen had been decidedly friendly and accommodating, but that didn’t make me forget the unfriendly welcome we’d received. I needed to stay alert until this place was far, far behind us.

I fell back on the bed and stared at the ceiling of thorns, thinking of Jeddak and Kah. Were they all right? Why wasn’t he here yet? Should I have instructed the guard to take me to the cells instead? And where was Skyler? Why had he vanished after the feast?

My foot twitched nervously as my mind wandered.

The minutes ticked by until I couldn’t stand it any longer.

I jumped up. I had to go find Jeddak.

A knock on the door startled me. Cautiously, I cracked it open.

“Jeddak,” I breathed, opening the door wider. “I thought you were still with Kah.”

“I had to see you,” he said.

When I gestured for him to come in, he didn’t move. So instead, I stepped outside onto the wooden platform attached to my bramble treehouse. “What happened with Kah?” I said, noticing the tension in his stance.

“He’s fine. He’d already released the guard before I made it to the cells. I checked that he was safe and then came straight here,” he said, looking over his shoulder. There was no escort with him. He must have used his tracking skills to find me way up here in this maze. “I couldn’t leave you alone. I don’t trust these people, Raven. I think we need to leave heretonight.”

“I agree with you, but without our map or food or weapons, we’re going to need their help to reach the northern border,” I said.

Jeddak shook his head in frustration. “Ifthey help us. They may decide tomorrow that it’s easier to kill us.”

“Maybe,” I said, wrapping my arms around my middle to fend off the cold. “But if they had any ill will toward us, they wouldn’t have given us the bramble nectar or invited us to their celebration. I think we have to trust them—at least for now.”

“They captured us, Raven! Kah and I waited alone in that blazen cell without knowing where they’d taken you or what they’d done to you. Skies, I thought they’d killed you! That’s not what I would calltrustworthy.” It sounded like his voice was going to break.

“But I’m fine. We’re both fine.”

Jeddak’s hand swept through his hair, and he tilted his head toward the dark sky like he wasn’t ready to concede. When his pupils caught the reflection of the moon, the angles of his face hardened. For a moment, the silence grew between us, filled bythe distant sound of celebration carried up from the walkways and bridges below us.

“Raven, I want you to know that when I agreed to take you to Askeland, I never meant to put you in danger.” He moved so close to me that I had to tilt my chin up to look at him. I could feel the warmth radiating off his body. He smelled of rich earth and deep forests. “But when they dragged you out of the cell, all I could think about was how I’d done just that. Ever since I met you, all I’ve wanted is—” He cut himself off.

I gazed up at him. His face was open, his lips a breath away from mine. He reached out to tuck my hair behind my ear, his fingers lingering on the nape of my neck.
