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The characters from all those stories became my closest friends, and by the next academic year I found enough strength to go back to school. Both Emilio and Joshua had graduated by then, so the horror of facing them again wasn’t there anymore. Other students still didn’t like me, and it looked like they’d pretty much forgotten about my existence while I was homeschooling. But it didn’t matter. I knew none of them could understand me like the fictional characters did.

I spent the rest of my years in high school like that—quietly reading books, staying away from other students, and obediently following Dad’s rules. I wanted him to trust me again—because I knew that one day, I’d have to use it.

One day, I’d run away from this life and find my own happily ever after whether Dad wanted it or not.

And that day has finally come.

I lean on a sink in the girls’ bathroom and stare at my own reflection in the mirror. My eyes are glassy and slightly swollen, my lips are dry, and my body is too big for a girl my age. I am disgusting, aren’t I? But in my new life, it won’t matter—because I will be free to find that special man who will be able to accept me for who I am.

To be honest, after I graduated and turned eighteen, I had hoped that things would be different. Maybe Dad would finally see that I’m an adult? Maybe he would let me have a normal student life without the choke hold of security?

But as you see, things have only gotten worse.

Grandpa and Dad have gotten our whole family involved in some kind of a clash with the Italian Mafia—the biggest Mafia family in Chicago, mind you. At first, it didn’t bother me, as Dad always kept me away from their business. But this summer, the Italians killed Grandpa, Dad took his place, and I had to start the academic year with five security guards around the college building.Five. Can you imagine the embarrassment?

It was stupid to hope that Dad or Rafael would ever understand me—and today proved it once again. But I’m not gonna be so naive anymore.

I breathe out, straighten up, and wipe my tears, looking straight into my eyes. That’s enough of crying and hoping for the best. No good story starts with a woman having a breakdown in the college bathroom.

It’s time to pull myself together, take the first step of my plan—and get the hell out of here.

Chapter 3 - Paolo

The clock on my panel shows exactly 9:20 am when a white SUV pulls into the parking lot of Northeastern Illinois University. As precise as always, but in the Mafia life, you have no time to lose.

I fidget in my seat and lean forward, watching the blurry silhouette of Rafael Escarra get out of the car and walk around it to open the passenger door. The goddamn rain has been drizzling all day, getting on my nerves and obscuring the view, but I don’t turn the windshield wipers on. I don’t want Jacinta’s security to pay attention to my car—it’s already risky enough to park so close to the college.

Even though I can’t see her properly, I know each stage of Jacinta’s daily schedule well enough to notice her as soon as she steps out of the car. Rafael holds an umbrella above her head, and together they walk to the entrance of the college with Jacinta rushing just a little in the front. She doesn’t like walking side by side with her bodyguard, that much I’ve already gathered.

There are many little details and habits that I’ve been catching during my observation hours—but of course, none of them are as helpful as the pile of information we’ve gathered from other sources. By now I have a pretty good idea of Jacinta’s daily schedule, and all I have to do is find a good time to kidnap her without the security around. Which, of course, is the main obstacle on the way to my goal.

I mindlessly drum my fingers against the steering wheel as I notice two more Mexicans get out of the SUV as soon as Jacinta and Rafael disappear inside the building. For now, they just linger in the parking lot, but I know that they’re gonna wander around the college until Jacinta returns to the car. Then they’re gonna take her to the library, bakery, and back to her house, exactly in that order.

I huff out loud and lean back in my seat, keeping my eyes on the Mexicans. Yes, just as we always suspected, Jacinta Escarra is under the eyes of her bodyguards twenty-four-seven, and I have to figure out a way around them. Of course, there’s always the option of shooting all three of them and taking her away—but I don’t want to sacrifice the lives of our men in an open confrontation with the Escarra family.

Perhaps we should kill them secretly and from behind before they can let others know who did it? I hum to myself and glance at my phone. That doesn’t sound bad, but I still hope to get closer to Jacinta first and kidnap her without any fuss.

I spend another hour watching the Mexicans circle the college building a few times before my phone buzzes with a new message from Thomas. He’s one of the youngest men in our clan, and when I decided to send a spy to Jacinta’s college, Thomas was the perfect candidate. He’s had a few interactions with her already, and it’s the closest we’ve gotten to Jacinta so far.

I have high expectations for the information he can provide us, so as soon as I see his name on the screen, I open the message.

College charity fair next week, J is on the list of participants

I immediately sit up straight with my whole body tensing up in excitement. Oh, that’s good. That’s perfect. Whatever this charity fair is gonna look like, there must be at least a small crowd—and it’s the best cover to get closer to Jacinta.

It’s our best chance at stealing her from under the nose of her security, and the thought itself sends a rush of excitement through my body.


Next Friday, 2 pm

I nod to myself, unable to hold back a smirk and look up at the Mexicans. It won’t be long till they lose their most precious jewel—and then we’ll see if Riccardo is the only one to deserve their respect.

By the next Friday morning, I have my plan ready and thought through till the last detail. We will arrive at the parking lot of the library next to Jacinta’s college at twenty to two. While Omero stays behind and Louis hides in the street crowd, Thomas will bring me to the charity fair under the disguise of his older brother. As soon as I find Jacinta and take her away from her security, Louis and Thomas will join me, and together we’ll force her into the car and immediately drive to Riccardo’s mansion. If everything goes well, there will be no chase—but even if the Mexicans do notice us, we won’t stop.

“Do you understand?” I look at Louis and Omero and wait for them to nod in confirmation. Thomas gives me a diligentyesthrough the phone, and I hang up.

Now that we’re already on the way to the college, I feel the pressure of the operation that much clearer. The air in the car is tense, like always before a difficult task, but I know I can trust these men to follow my orders and see it through. I turn to the window and tighten my fists. No matter what, Jacinta will be in my hands when I return to Riccardo’s mansion today.
