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Kazi nods. “Usually, yes. But this one I want to sell tonight. Do not have time to shop her around to my top tier clients, most of whom are in Europe or East Asia.”

Durand drinks from his whiskey glass. “What’s the hurry to sell her?”

Kazi takes a long breath, that strange glint showing in his shifty dark eyes again. “She is virgin,” he says, his voice straining like his throat just tightened, his eyes glazing over for a moment before he blinks and clears his throat. “She will get good price.”

Durand frowns. “Sure, virgins always get a higher price. So hard to find one these days. But since when are you hurting for cash, Kazi? Why the urgency to sell her tonight itself?”

I’m curious too now, and I lean back against the bar and watch as Kazi takes another long breath, rubs his dark beard, shoots an almost involuntary glance towards the closed door near the stage, like this mystery woman with the magical pussy is behind those doors, guarded like pirate’s booty, like dragon’s treasure.

Kazi heaves out a breath, then rubs the back of his head. “Because if I do not sell her tonight, she will not make it to the morning with her virginity intact. I will make her mine, stretch her tight little cunt so wide she will be useless to any other man.” He grins savagely, eyes shining with that glint of what I now recognize as a flicker of the animal possessiveness that all men carry inside. “And that is not a good habit to get into when you are in the business of selling virgins to the highest bidder.”

Durand laughs, finishing his whiskey and ordering another. “Damn, Kazi. Did you fall in love with her pussy at first sight?”

Kazi chuckles darkly. “Love is bullshit. But a man’s cock does not lie. When you have seen as much pussy as Kazi, your cock is like a well-trained instrument. It knows when a pussy is special, and this one is beautiful.”

Durand shakes his head, grinning like a wolf. “You are one hell of a salesman, Kazi. Even Murphy wants to see her now. Bring her out for a quick look. We want to see this supermodel with the magical pussy.”

Kazi glances towards that closed door near the stage. “Actually, she is not pretty like supermodel. Small tits. Big ass. More like pear than hourglass. But Kazi’s cock does not lie. Her pussy will get good price.”

“Bring her out,” Durand says again, draining his whiskey glass and nodding to the barman to fill it up again. He glances at the leather satchel in my hand, then rubs his silver beard and narrows his eyes towards Kazi. “Maybe I’ll buy her outright, before the auction.”

Kazi frowns, his shifty eyes following Durand’s gaze to my leather satchel. “You buy her outright, for yourself? It will be expensive.”

Durand shrugs. “I got some cash coming in. Bring her out, Kazi.”

“All right.” Kazi barks out an order in Russian to one of his henchmen standing against the side wall smoking a cigarette.

The henchman grunts, takes another puff, stubs out the cigarette in a glass ashtray on a nearby table, then lumbers over to that door near the stage. He pulls open the door, sticks his head inside, says something in Russian.

An older Russian woman replies from inside the dressing room. She must be in charge of getting the women cleaned up and made up for the sick show. I don’t speak Russian, but she’s clearly protesting.

“Privedi yeye, mama,” Kazi shouts, his voice booming across the empty hall. The Russian woman sighs, then mutters something under her breath before ducking back into the bowels of the dressing room. Kazi winks at Durand. “My mother says Yolanda is filthy. She needs a bath before she is fit to be seen.” He grins now. “I told her the filthier the better.”

Durand chuckles, glancing over at me, then flicking his gaze towards the bag of cash still in my left hand. A ripple of relief goes up my spine when I realize that maybe this mystery woman is a blessing in disguise, that maybe Durand is drunk enough that Kazi’s little sales-pitch did the trick.

Shit, maybe this woman Yolanda is about to set me free by getting Durand to take the money without giving me a hard time.

That ripple of energy spreads to my entire body. I’m so close now. Durand’s primed to spend this money right now on some overhyped virgin pussy. One minute from now I’m going to be walking out that door a free man, walking away from all this darkness, riding away towards some unknown future.

But then she appears in the open doorway like an angel in a yellow sundress.

And immediately I know I’m never walking away.

Never riding away.

Because my future is no longer unknown.

I see it standing there in a yellow sundress.

My future.

My fate.

My destiny.

Because she’s mine.

Yolanda is mine!

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