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“We will.” Jasmine kissed Stasio and he kissed her back.

Fiona was thinking about how they should really be together, but she guessed she’d really messed that up for them. Maybe at the next place they stayed, they could get an extra room and they could be together. She also noticed that Levka had spirited Caitlin away even though she’d said she would stay with Fiona and Jasmine.

Fiona got a call and when she looked at the caller ID, she realized it was Regina and her heart began beating like crazy.

Everyone still in the room was watching her.

“Regina,” Fiona whispered, as if she could hear her through the phone when she hadn’t even answered the call. “What if she can track me through my phone?”

“This is not good,” Arman said. “Levka, none of us thought about Fiona’s cell phone. Regina just called her.”

“Aww, hell—” Levka said then, “Let’s go. We’ll drop the phone in someone’s vehicle on the way out.”

Then Arman said, “We’ve got to pack right now and move.”

“I’m sorry. I never thought I would be on the run from vampire rogues.” Fiona shook her head. “I heard…heard Levka talking.”

“Yes. You heard his telepathic communication,” Arman said.

Okay, so Fiona guessed she really could hear their communication that way.

It didn’t take long for everyone to pack, and no one argued about it either. Fiona was surprised how well the group worked together.

Then they headed outside into the dark and Levka found an unlocked car door. He slipped the phone inside and locked the door and shut it. “Let’s go.”

The next thing she knew, they were flying again, invisible, and she didn’t think she would ever get used to this. “Where are we going now?” She thought of each of the vampires and hoped they would all hear her.

“Sedona, Arizona,” Levka said. “We’ll stop there for four hours. After that, we’re on the move again.”

“Okay, I can’t make reservations while we’re flying,” Ruric said. “When we land, I’ll do it.”

“When you do, make reservations for Las Cruces, New Mexico after that,” Levka said.

“Gotcha,” Ruric said.

“When I talk to you, are you all hearing me?” Fiona asked.

“Yeah,” Ruric said, everyone else agreeing.

“But we need to know if you can talk to only one person or several in the group,” Arman said. “When Caitlin telepathically speaks, she can’t target individuals.”

“Alright, I’m speaking only to you, Arman. Thanks for saving me from Regina and the others.”

“You’re welcome,” he said.

“Did anyone else hear what I said to Arman?” Fiona asked.

“Not me,” Jasmine said, everyone echoing her response.

Then Fiona tried to speak only to Jasmine and Caitlin. “Thank you, Jasmine and Caitlin, for saying you would share a room with me.” Though Levka seemed to have the final say in that. “If…if we can’t get more rooms this time at the next stop, why don’t the two of you stay with your boyfriends?”

“Someone has to stay with you,” Jasmine said.

“Jasmine’s right. You can’t be alone in case Regina, or her cohorts, catch up to us,” Caitlin said.

“We only heard Caitlin’s response, no one else’s conversations,” Levka said. “It appears you can direct your telepathic conversation to only those you wish to speak to.” He sounded relieved.

“Great,” Fiona said. At least one good thing was going for her, besides being rescued from Tobias and Regina. She just hoped Arman and his friends truly were decent vampires and not conning her like Regina had done.
