Page 34 of Tempted

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Chapter 17


Harlow winced at the sudden onset of pain. It felt like she had bumped into a brick wall, even though she was standing still.

“Ouch! Watch it!” Lauren was the apparent brick wall. She had walked right into Harlow, who was standing steady, browsing on her phone outside the local store.

“Um, I think you bumped into me,” Harlow corrected.

“Some of us are actually here to be part of something, ya know, not just use the place,” Lauren sneered. Her words stung like a hornet, and Harlow was tired of dancing around the animosity. She had noticed that everyone else seemed to thaw toward her. Why hadn’t Lauren?

Harlow steadied herself again. “What is your problem, Lauren?”

“I just don’t like people who think they’re entitled.”

“Entitled how?”

“It’s clear you’re just using Atlas to stay here.” Lauren’s words cut like a knife. Is this what everyone thought? It then became apparent. She had seen Harlow with Colt. That was the only explanation for this fit she was pitching. Harlow knew Colt and Lauren’s history now.

As Harlow’s thoughts started to make sense, Lauren continued. “You don’t even belong here, and now you’ve brought your pack with you, causing trouble.”

The words hurt because they accurately described every insecurity Harlow had about staying on the Gravecrest pack territory. Still, she couldn’t let Lauren win by letting her know how much her tongue lashing penetrated.

“Look, Lauren, I don’t know what your problem is. Everyone else has come around. I don’t know what I’ve done to you that is keeping this going for you, but it needs to stop.” That was partly a lie since Harlow now figured what her problem was, but she also figured playing dumb was the way to go.

Lauren’s jaw dropped in disgust and it was obvious she was about to offer another lashing. Instead of partaking, Harlow quickly remembered she had a meeting with the guys. She knew that was the perfect out.

“You know what? I don’t have time for this right now.” Harlow dismissed Lauren. “I have a meeting with Atlas, Colt, and Zachary.”

She figured if she brought the three of them up, Lauren wouldn’t insist on keeping her, and it worked. Harlow was able to stomp away without another word from Lauren.

When Harlow arrived at the big building across the compound where they mostly met for business matters, she was surprised to see a few more people than she expected. Her heart fluttered as she spotted Atlas, Colt, and Zachary in the far corner.

The feeling was unexpected and only grew stronger as they clearly caught her scent. They all locked eyes, and goosebumps spread over her as she tried to steady herself. Atlas nodded a greeting, and one of the other security members motioned for her to come in.

Round tables were spread around the room. Atlas moved to the front of the area, and Colt and Zachary situated themselves on either side of them. “All right, we have some updates to go over on the trackers,” Atlas informed them.

Harlow’s heart skipped a beat again but for all the wrong reasons this time.

“It’s not good.” Atlas grimaced. “We’ve looked at every electronic database we can find. We’ve researched all the forums. We’ve even looked up the packs that lie deep in anonymity to contact. There’s nothing.”

Atlas nodded at Colt who stepped forward. “I talked to the packs as well. I sent our security team out to track down all the contacts we had and see if anything had been circling about this team.” That last word came out with a disgusted look, and Harlow felt it. It made her feel like he was on her side. She felt like she could trust him, and she liked it and the safety it brought.

The rest of the security team picked up on the dismay of their leaders and let out slight growls and movement at the news. “This is why it’s apparent this job was ordered in-house.” Atlas’s lips flattened together.

Harlow knew this after her encounter at the mall and felt embarrassed. She hated what this pack was going through because of her. There was no going back now, though. “This is clearly assigned by the Hollow Grove pack themselves,” he continued.

Atlas, Colt, and Zachary continued to hash out the details of what this meant for their pack and what they needed to do moving forward, leaving her devastated. She sat quietly listening and wondering what else she could do to help.

But she realized the only course of action left was to keep researching and even prepare for an attack. Her heart ached at the thought of making any of them fight for her. So many thoughts raced through her head. She wondered if she could have made things work if she had just stayed. But as soon as that thought popped up, she remembered Vincent’s betrayal as well as Echo and the rest of the hunters at the mall. There was no staying. There was no trust, and there was no pack without trust.

“It appears the only remedy we have for Harlow is to have the watcher keep tailing her,” Atlas commanded.

Harlow’s eyes widened and met his. This was not what she wanted to hear at all, but she knew she had no choice. Staying vigilant was the only way to be safe.

She remembered the attack at the mall and how they almost overpowered her. She couldn’t continue to take them all on herself. She knew that pack—sneaky and stealthy.

The Gravecrest pack was very different. It was obvious after having spent more time around them. They had the trust and genuine care and concern for their members, and she felt she could be safe with them. Harlow nodded, first at Atlas and then to the rest of the room. A conjoined growl echoed between them all as they adjourned the meeting in agreement.
