Page 36 of Tempted

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Just how he wanted it.

“I suppose we do.” Her voice sounded smaller than usual, and her breath caught in her throat.

“And you’re sure about that?” He ran his nose over her cheek. “Cos it seems like you need to relax a little. But don’t worry, I can help with that.” He tugged gently at her nape, exposing her throat that was just waiting to be kissed.

“Yes,” she hissed as his lips landed on her now hot skin. She gasped when he ran his tongue along it, her taste so unique, so unbelievable he wondered how he’d never experienced this before.

He was alpha, after all, and getting partners had never been an issue.

But this was different.

“So, I’m gonna help you relax. You’d like that, wouldn’t you, little wolf? Because I know you want this, too. I’ve always known since the moment I first saw you.” It was the type of admission he wasn’t used to making, but with her it didn’t matter. “You’re mine, little wolf.” She opened her eyes, and Atlas could sense her pull back ever so slightly. “Ours, of course, but right now it’s just me and you.”

“It’s all so weird,” she breathed. He could tell she was feeling the absence of Colt, and it was making her uncomfortable.

“Shhh, no need to worry about that. It’s weird for me too, but we’re doing this now. Colt or no Colt, this first time belongs to me. Do you get that, little wolf?” He took her by the chin and looked deep into her eyes, golden strands within them glowing back at him. “I’m alpha, remember.”

“Yes,” she said, her voice quivering now, but Atlas knew this was more from anticipation than fear or nervousness. “Atlas…”

His mouth crashed down upon hers before she could say anything further, his tongue pressing through her beautiful lips to get access to hers. They entwined, hot and wet, and he could barely contain himself when he tasted her again so fully.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, her small stature struggling under his height and bulk. Her hands in his hair felt so good, and he wanted them all over him. There wasn’t a part of him that he didn’t want to grant her access to, and he would make sure she felt the same.

“Take off your clothes,” he ordered, pulling away from her. He knew how harsh he sounded but didn’t care, she brought out the alpha in him, and he wasn’t going to apologize for it. “I want to see you.” He walked over to the door, clicking the lock shut. There was no way he wanted anyone else to see what only belonged to him—them.

A growl left his throat when he turned to see her shedding her clothes as she’d been told. He turned her around, her face now pressed to the wall, as he ran his hand down her back and over her perfect ass. He pulled off his T-shirt, wanting to feel her skin against his, the scent of her arousal now killing him as his cock strained against his jeans.

Once again, he wrapped himself around her before he slipped a hand back over her ass and then down further, needing to feel the wetness between her legs. She gasped his name as he did, prompting him to slide a finger inside her drenched sex.

“Atlas,” she moaned.

“I can tell you’re already feeling better about this.” He smiled. Leaning down, he peppered her shoulders with kisses. He moved his finger gently in and out, noticing with each thrust how wet she was.

“This all for me?” he murmured, ecstatic at the effect he was having on her. She pressed her hips back against him when he removed his finger as if in defiance, but he had other plans for her. “Turn around, little wolf.”

Her face was flushed and misted with sweat as she turned to him, her eyes still glowing and her chest rising and falling with short, ragged breaths. “Whatever you say.”

Her submission was everything at that point, the growl that rose in his chest unfamiliar to him. It was deeper somehow, as if it came from somewhere he wasn’t even aware of. “Good girl,” he replied, cupping her breasts before sucking at each until she was practically begging him to put an end to the torture he was creating in her.

“Oh god, please,” she begged, her hips bucking toward him as she tried desperately to get to his pelvis.

But he wasn’t ready for that just yet. “You should know the first part of this arrangement means the first time you come belongs to me.” He looked into her eyes, holding her face as he spoke.

There, he’d said it, and now he was going to make sure it happened. He dropped to the floor, picking up her left leg and placing it over his shoulder. Immediately the scent of her filled him, and there was no way he could hold back.

Placing a few hot kisses on the inside of her thigh, he knew she was desperate for him and was determined to give her what she wanted. He ran his tongue slowly along her sex, lapping up her scent and her taste, completely enveloped by her as she called out his name.

“Mmm, you taste even better than you smell,” he murmured against her, his tongue getting lost in her folds as he feasted on her. “Fucking perfect.” Atlas meant it. He’d never known a longing like it. He could bury his head between her legs and stay there forever. He was sure of it.

She arched her back against the wall as he hit her sweet spot, encasing it with his lips and sucking on it. Every now and again, he flicked his tongue over it until she was almost there. The scent of her coming orgasm almost tipped him over the edge, every cell in his body alert and on fire. What the fuck was this woman doing to him!

“Atlas, I’m going to…”

There it was, her heart pumping furiously, her body writhing above him as she exploded at his mouth. He held her tightly, feeling how spent she almost was, but he still wanted to taste every second of her ecstasy.

“Oh god… Oh god… Atlas,” she cried, sounding almost delirious as he wrung every last bit of pleasure from her body. She pressed at his shoulders and pulled at his hair. “I can’t…” He pulled away, his face soaked with her juices, allowing her some respite from the intensity.

Kissing and stroking her thigh, he knew she was feeling this just as strongly as he was. “Do you always come that hard?” he asked, triumphantly.
