Page 101 of Scandal

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I’d learned more than I’d ever wanted to learn by being near Jonny and his family, embraced as one of their own, but up until now, I’d been unable to provide him with an answer as to whether or not I’d return with him to Canada.

Until an epiphany had hit me only thirty minutes before, making the decision a little easier.

“You contacted the press,” I stated almost in passing.

“I was coerced into doing so.”

Uh-huh. I had almost everything I needed at this point.

I closed the case, waiting as she opened the sealed envelope, heading toward the door to the interrogation room while she did. I was due in court in just a few minutes, and I had one other piece of the puzzle to put into place.

Or maybe I should say to char into ash.

I’d never been the kind of woman to burn bridges, something I’d learned from my father as well, but in my mind, I knew it was the right thing to do. My conscience needed it. My mind too.

And my heart.

Christine sighed. “Will you at least tell me what you’re going to do? Are you still planning on practicing law?”

I thought about her question, opening the door before I answered. “No. I’m going to become a wife and a mother. That’s the only thing that will make me happy.”

“Good luck, Sedona. May you find the happiness you’ve been searching for.”

I glanced over my shoulder. She’d turned around, now giving me a nod of respect. “I already have.”

As I walked out, I did so with a clear conscience, ready for a good fight if necessary. I headed down the hallway, avoiding the throng of reporters who’d been sectioned off to a small area in the lobby of the courthouse, heading for the holding room that had been assigned.

Just walking down the hallowed halls for what I hoped would be the last time had a strange effect on me. Even the sound of my heels clipping on the marble floor was entirely different. As if I didn’t belong here.

I’d called my father two weeks before, assuring him that his baby girl wasn’t the crazed woman I’d been made out to be. He’d listened to me without uttering a sound, allowing me to profess the way I felt about a known criminal.

What he’d done next would remain one of the top five things that had shocked me the most.

He’d told me to take time but to follow my heart and that it would never steer me wrong. I’d taken the heartfelt advice, mulling over the possibilities of how I wanted to spend the rest of my life while enjoying the time spent with Jonny and Christian.

The time had allowed me to get to learn more about the woman inside, stripping away the mask I hadn’t realized I’d been hiding behind.

I was stronger, much more confident, and ready to take on the world.

Just… in an entirely different way. As I stood in front of a door, I took a deep breath, plastering a smile on my face.

And when I walked in, I felt almost nothing but compassion for the woman sitting in shackles in front of me.

Jenny lifted her head, studying me intently. She’d used our friendship in a way I hadn’t thought possible, but as she’d always told me, blood was thicker than water. She’d stood behind her family, sharing with her brother her knowledge of the fear I had regarding Damien, as well as the few details I’d told her in confidence. From there, the Bratva had taken over. But her part was the one that cut the deepest. She hadn’t just railroaded Johny, she’d cost Victoria her life.

I said nothing, studying her as I’d done to Christine. I wasn’t certain what I was looking for at that point. Remorse? I doubted she could give it to me. Could I forgive her? Maybe in the future, but not now. In the end, I’d found it amusing that it had been women who’d brought down an entire government conspiracy and almost two powerful syndicates as well. It was actuallybook-worthy. Maybe that’s what I’d do with what little free time I had. I’d write a book.

The thought brought a smile.

She looked away and I shook my head, turning around to leave. There was no reason to say anything at this point.

“For what it’s worth, I’m sorry,” Jenny said quietly.

“Unfortunately, it’s not worth much of anything.” With that, I closed the door, ready to take on the world.

With my head held high, I walked down the corridor heading to the assigned courtroom, nodding to the police officer standing at the door.

The moment I walked inside, I locked eyes with the man I loved, the man of my dreams.
