Page 103 of Scandal

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“Which is why you love me.”

“I do but that doesn’t mean I’m going to allow you to misbehave.”

She threw her head back, laughing. I’d never believed that we could be so happy, or that she’d give up her career, but she’d told me more than once she had nothing to keep her in Louisville any longer.

In the three weeks since my exoneration and our return to Montreal, a stronger alliance had been made with the Callahans, as well as one with Liam and his family. While I wasn’t entirely certain what kind of business the three entities would go into, we’d made the decision that whatever it was would be legitimate. Hotels and resorts were an option that we were exploring, much to the chagrin of my father and the applause of my former attorney girlfriend. Now it was time to plan for our future.

There was only one way of making that happen, something I’d been determined to ignore. “You know I love you.”

“Yes, you tend to show it to me every night.”

“And I want what’s best for us.”

“Absolutely. What are you getting at?” She pulled away, giving me a sly look, her breath skipping.

Why not tease her. I was a bad man after all. “I want you to be the attorney on the stateside for the new real estate company I’m forming.”

Her face fell, hardening. “I’ll think about it. You’ll need to pay me a lot of money to bring me out of retirement.”

“I’m pretty certain I can do that.”

As I captured her mouth, she did her best to push me away and I allowed that to happen.

“It’s time for the party. Let’s not keep Christian waiting. He’ll be sodisappointed.” With that, she turned around, starting to head for the door. The edge in her voice almost made me laugh.

“Hold on. I didn’t dismiss you yet.”

“You’re commanding me to stay?” she asked in the haughty way that only she could do, not bothering to turn around and face me.

She was so predictable. At times. I held back my laughter as I pulled out the small box. “Turn around, Sedona. You follow my rules. Remember? I don’t mind spanking you right here. Right now.” I added an edge to my voice, one that drove her nuts. I knew exactly what she was going to do.

Spinning around, she threw out her finger. “Now, listen to me, buster. You don’t get to…”

I couldn’t help grin as she slapped her hand over her mouth, slowly lowering her gaze to the floor where I was on one knee, holding out the exposed diamond for her to see.

“If you learn to obey, good things will come,” I told her.

“What are you doing?”

“Ms. Sedona Beckett, attorney of the year, the most beautiful woman in the world, and the one with the most caustic mouth. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife in sickness and in health until death do us part?”

I could tell she had a dozen snarky things she wanted to say, but for once, I’d floored her. “Yes. God, yes.”

As she flew toward me, I barely had time to stand. My father had once told me that I’d know when the right one came along and that I would do everything in my power to ensure she didn’t get away.

I’d done that in spades.

And for the first time in my life, I was happy.

Because I’d walked into the right bar at the right time and found the perfect woman who’d forever be known as mycherie.

The End
