Page 12 of Scandal

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I had a thought and crawled my hand across the bar. “Oh, Matt. I have a question for you.”

The bartender sidled up to the bar, stretching his arms across and leaning over. “Of course.”

“Did the man from across the bar happen to pay with a credit card?”

Matt chuckled as if I’d made a huge joke. “He paid in cash. The best tipper I’ve had in a long time.”

Shoot. It figured.


He backed away, a knowing grin on his face.

Tingles remained, my pussy clenching and releasing. Even a single bead of perspiration trickled down the back of my neck.

After finishing the five olives from both glasses, tossing back a solid half of the second drink, I asked for the check, leaving the man with the reprehensible name a huge tip. Then I headed for my room, a little tipsier and less in mourning than before.

As I rounded the corner, heading down the corridor, I couldn’t help myself, stopping long enough to remove my heels. There was something decadent about walking barefoot toward my room. I was surprisingly more relaxed than I’d been in a long time.

All because of a kiss, but not just any kiss. One so powerful I remained lightheaded.

A sudden flash occurred out of the corner of my eye and before I had the chance to make a single sound, a warm body was shoved against mine.

Correction, a body as ablaze as mine.

I dropped my shoes as the man thrust me against the alcove wall, pressing the full weight of his frame against me. I was instantly driven back in the moment of rapture, my senses finally awakened. Where I’d acted like a frozen statue, this time I was more aggressive, pawing at his tee shirt until I was able to slide both my hands underneath. I’d been right. The single touch of his skin against my fingertips was almost too much, overwhelming in both heat and vibrations.

The man was like a primal beast, the look of him even more predatory than it had been in the bar. I was lost in the moment, trying to control my actions and failing miserably.

“You want me,cherie.”

“Of course not.”

“You’re not a very good liar.”

“You might be surprised.”

“With you, nothing would surprise me.”

The shocking moment of wanting nothing more than to let go became overwhelming.

And so, I became someone else, a girl who had no inhibitions.

Still flustered, another wave of shooting current snagged my breath all over again. There was a frenzied need the two of us shared, but while I was tugging at his clothes, he’d planted his hands on either side of me, allowing me to take a few minutes of control.

Somehow, I knew that was short lived.

His tongue deep-throated me and all I could think about was sucking his cock. I wasn’t certain what kind of person that mademe other than accepting the possibility that Jenny had also been right about needing to get laid. I honestly couldn’t remember the last time Matt and I had been intimate, which was telling all on its own.

We’d been a bad fit. Now, kissing this man, this incredible stranger who’d started a fire that refused to be squelched had awakened Sleeping Beauty. I wasn’t certain where the moral lines began and ended any longer and I honestly didn’t give a hoot. When he eased his hand under my dress, I was profoundly thankful I’d worn my sexiest thong, bold and bodacious red in color.

He rubbed his finger down the outside of my thigh before crawling his fingers to my damp mound. The lingering scent of my desire was already wafting between us, which would normally be embarrassing, but right now I was far too aroused to care. When he rubbed his hand across my mound, I moaned into the kiss, startled at the additional electric sensations.

No man had created this kind of reaction inside me, and I was torn between shoving him away for fear of never being able to let him go and the fact for all I knew, he could be a serial killer or rapist. I’d always valued my sixth sense about people, and it was as if it had been shut down completely.

Should that be a red flag?

He didn’t allow me any additional time to reflect, wrapping a single finger around the thin elastic of my thong. Using the same arm and the power of his wrist that he’d used on the smarmy guy, the light snapping sound was followed by a solid rip as the material was torn from my body.
