Page 14 of Scandal

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I’d had zero intentions of fucking a woman while I was handling business in Kentucky. However, the moment I’d seen the stunning beauty with the shimmering natural blonde hair from across the bar, I’d been entranced, which wasn’t like me in the least. I was used to being alone, determined to remain so for a long time to come. There was too much risk involved in being seen with a woman, let alone fucking her.

I was here for a single job. Engaging in a conversation with the Irish mob who seemed to have control of the entire southern area of the United States.

The meeting with Ronan O’Connor had been pleasant enough, the man even introducing me to his lovely wife. We’d had a couple of drinks, the man insisting that he’d had no idea Sean Callahan had betrayed an agreement, stealing clients and representing himself as being the front man for two powerful Canadian families.

Then things had gotten weird, enough so we’d had terse words. When the asshole had thrown a punch, the meeting had turned south, the interaction as well as my rage leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Fuck the man. Fuck Kentucky. There were other avenues the family could take, other cities we could storm into if that’s what we desired.

And at this point, I was ready to claim our portion of the South. Fuck Callahan and their regime. To hell with legitimizing more of our business. There was business to be made in prescription drugs, the popularity outweighing the usual shipments of illegal drugs from South American countries. While drugs of any kind weren’t my family’s main source of income, controlling the flow into Canada had become vital in keeping control over the vast array of power we currently enjoyed. Sadly, I wanted to laugh. The ramifications of claiming a portion of the United States as our territory could be deadly, but were perhaps necessary in order for the family regime to increase as the business plan had detailed at the end of the year before.

Granted, we were savvy and highly intelligent businessmen, which could allow for us to handle the situation amicably. If not, then I’d issue more… encouragement.


I closed my eyes, angry that Sean had placed my family in such a predicament. His punishment hadn’t been enough in my mind, the fucker deserving more than just having a couple of fingers removed as a reminder of the alliance.

I had blood on my hands in more than one way. Or perhaps the truth was that I wanted more. I was a violent man after all, taking after my father in every way.

But not tonight.

Tonight, I would pretend to be someone else, enjoying the fruits of my labor.

As I drank in the woman’s perfume, I shoved all thoughts of business aside for now. She was the perfect distraction, allowing me to take my mind off the needed tasks. I had wanted some R & R. I couldn’t think of anything better than a down and dirty tryst under the sheets.

Why this beautiful creature had made me lose all sense of control was beyond me, but my hunger knew no bounds at this point, my cock aching. I pushed her down on the bed, immediately sliding my arms under her legs. When I bent them at the knee, pushing them against the bed, she laughed nervously, tossing one arm over her eyes.

She was a feisty thing, her slap as unexpected as finding a woman I craved after all this time.

I wrapped one arm around the mystery girl’s waist, easing her down onto the bed. She instantly pressed her hands against my chest, creating space between us, but the way she slid her tongue across her bottom lip was telling.

She was as hungry as I was, her needs increasing at the same rate.

While a part of me wanted to learn her name, I did enjoy the anonymity, which allowed me to be someone else for a little while.

After pulling my arm free, I cocked my head, allowing myself a few seconds of visual enjoyment basking in the beauty of her voluptuous body. When I rolled the tip of my finger down fromher hairline, moving to the bridge of her nose, she pursed her lips. But I still heard her ragged breathing, her determination to try to remain in control as appealing as the rest of her.

“Watch me,cherie. Do not take your eyes off me.” My command was dark, the huskiness of my tone a clear indication my hunger was off the charts.

While she complied, I sensed her nervousness. There was a confidence about her that she’d exuded even though I’d surprised her with my actions. However, it was clear to me that she rarely allowed herself to indulge in moments of unexpected passion. That made me desire her that much more.

She was tense at first, her muscles as tight as her clenched jaw. There was something provocative about the way she skimmed her eyelashes across her shimmering cheeks, making my balls tight as drums. I continued my tender exploration, brushing my fingertip down the length of her long neck to her chest, still drinking in her perfume as if her scent was all I needed to remain alive.

“Si beau.” Whispering she was so beautiful in my native language was simple yet truthful. Few words were needed, but the passionate and very sadistic man inside of me wanted nothing more than to issue dark commands, requiring her full surrender. I’d meant what I’d told her about the way women should be handled, but my hunger was something few luscious creatures could tolerate.

“Around you I feel beautiful,” she breathed, the way her chest rose and fell drawing my eyes to her full breasts and rosy areoles. They were the perfect size for my hands and after trailing my finger between them, I cupped both, my cock throbbing from hearing her surprised moan.

Using my knee, I kicked her legs further apart, leaning over until I was able to flick my tongue around first one then the other fully hardened nipple. While a part of me longed to spend hours exploring every inch of her body, the longer I remained the more danger we were both in.

A brief but explosive interlude would have to do.

“You’re so…” She didn’t finish her statement, pressing the back of her hand over her mouth instead.

“What,cherie? Tell me what you think of me.”

“I don’t think you really want to know.”

I chuckled darkly, enjoying the banter. “Trust me,cherie. I can handle the heat.”

“Be careful what you ask for. I’m merciless with my words,” she purred. “You’re ruthless, refusing to take no for an answer. You’re arrogant, so much so you act as if no one can touch you. And when you walk into a room, you claim it for no other reason than your amusement.”
