Page 35 of Scandal

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“You both over- and underestimate my capabilities. I didn’t know who you were when I sat down at that bar just like you didn’t know a damn thing about me. However, as soon as I tasted you, I wanted to learn everything I could about your life, your passions, and your needs.” I allowed my heated gaze to fall slowly, leaning in so I could catch another whiff of her exotic scent. My balls were tight as drums.

“Why, so you could blackmail me? I assure you I don’t have any money. I’m also not that powerful in this city.”

I leaned forward, rolling my finger around the rim of my glass as I stared deeply into her eyes. “Is that what you think this is about, blackmail? I assure you that I don’t need anything, especially money. And I find it hard to believe you haven’t delved into my background thoroughly.”

She pursed her lips. “I don’t know what this is other than a fucking disaster. Yes, I’ve researched you as much as your secret world would allow.”

At least she’d allowed some of her guard to fall. “My secret world. An interesting phrase. What we shared doesn’t need to be a disaster for either one of us. However, you’re well aware I’m being framed. That’s why you’re so angry.”

“I’m angry because I made a mistake.” She looked away. “If you’re innocent, I don’t want to see you put in prison.”

“I assure you one way or the other, that’s not going to happen.”

“Why does that sound like a threat?”

Laughing, I leaned in even further, eager to taste her sweet lips. “I don’t threaten, my lovely one. I make promises.”

Sedona huffed, pulling as far away from me as the chair would allow. “Okay, Jonny, since you’re insistent on us talking, then who do you think is behind framing you? You must have some idea since you went to great lengths to find out everything you could about my life. Who is your greatest enemy, besides the O’Connor family?”

“Your life is a glorious open book, Sedona. The people in my world aren’t always that way.”

“Wow. As if that surprises me. Answer the question. Did you consider the O’Connors one of your many enemies?”

“No, I did not. As a matter of fact, I was attempting to form an alliance with them.”

“How fascinating. Well, you might want to reconsider your options given it would seem the younger brother Liam is on the warpath.” She dropped the carrot as if it was news to me.

“That much I already know. However, Liam wasn’t the person responsible for framing me.”

She swirled her finger around her glass, studying me as intently as if I was inside a courtroom. “It would have been the perfect opportunity for him to gain control of his brother’s power, the phenomenal hold he had on Louisville.”

“While you’ve obviously been doing your homework, you don’t understand how close some families can be. The O’Connors are such a family, especially given their heritage.”

She laughed bitterly. “No. You’re right in that I’ve never been forced into a situation dealing with members of organized crime. I guess I’ve lived a far too sheltered life. Good, law-abiding parents, a fabulous upbringing.”

Even with her nasty tone, I craved her. All of her.

And I’d meant what I said to her before.

“Don’t fool yourself, Sedona. You’re a brilliant, savvy woman. You sense a larger crime is occurring. That’s why you’re taking out your anger on me. You’re far too intelligent to let this go. Aren’t you?”

“Compliments now, Jonny? Isn’t that a little beneath you?”

We were both forced to sit back when a waiter brought a tray full of oysters on the half shell. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you had someone joining you. I’ll bring another set of silverware,” the young girl said.

“Don’t bother. He was just leaving,” Sedona said tartly.

“I’ll have another Macallan, no ice. And make certain and put everything on my tab,” I told the girl instead.

“Yes, sir. Coming right up.”

Sedona twisted her lips and so help me God, it was all I could do not to grab her by the throat and crush my mouth over hers.

“You can’t do that,” she said.

“What exactly am I doing?”

“Trying to act as if we have something going on.”
