Page 39 of Scandal

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His words were even more powerful, obsessive in a way that I’d never experienced before. I was thrown by how they made me feel and I was at the point of losing my mind.

“I’m going to make us both a drink. Then you’re going to strip for me,cherie. I want you to tempt me with the woman hiding behind the mask.”

His words drove another shiver down my spine, so mesmerizing that I had difficult taking another breath. And somehow, I knew I’d obey his command. “Who says I’m hiding?”

“I am.” He took a few seconds to unbutton his sleeves, rolling them over his elbows as he studied me as if I was going to deny the truth. When I said nothing, he smiled, turning around and heading toward the lavish bar.

I was still taken aback I was inside his suite, trying to gather my wits about me. He didn’t bother asking what I wanted, pouring the same drinks we’d had at the restaurant. He moved toward the piano, placing the glass of red wine close to me before tugging out the bench and sitting down.

Why I held my breath I wasn’t certain but everything about the man was so sexy that I was curious what he intended on doing. He took a gulp of his drink, placing the glass close to him before he began to play.

Shock tore through me, the melodic sound of whatever classical piece he was performing keeping me tingling all over. I remained where I was, enjoying the sound of his concert. When he liftedhis gaze seconds later, there was so much heat in his eyes that I was thrown into a hazy fog.

“I suggest you follow my orders,cherie. I don’t think you’re eager for another punishment.” He switched up the music, moving from the dark classical piece to something jazzier.

I glanced over my shoulder into the bright lights of the city then closed my eyes, enjoying the beat of the music. When I was finally able to relax slightly, I twirled in a circle then began to unfasten the buttons on my blouse, thinking about how he’d made me feel inside the interrogation room. He’d been right about my blouse, the wetness caused by being in close proximity to him.

Tonight it was all about the roaring desire. As he continued to play, I pretended as if we were nothing more than two lovers getting to know each other, basking in the moment of shared passion. I was able to feel sexier than I had in a long time, taking my time to seduce him as only a woman could do, easing one side of my blouse over my shoulder then the other.

I allowed gravity to take the soft material to my fingers, twirling the shirt in the air as I stole a look at the gorgeous man, shocked how much he got into the music. How many other surprises did he have in store for me? I had a feeling he’d never allow me to learn all his secrets, as I wouldn’t allow him to learn about mine.

He growled when he noticed me again, his heated gaze falling all the way to my toes, returning to my eyes in a slow and determined manner.

I continued stripping for him as commanded, turning around to face the other direction as I eased my arms behind my waist,unfastening the skirt. As I shimmied out of it, I realized how at peace I felt, which was as strange as being here with him.

A possible killer.

A ruthless criminal.

Maybe it was the reckless danger that kept me so intrigued, or the blatant need to break free of the very chains he’d recognized. Whatever the case, I was floating on cloud nine as I continued undressing. When I was standing only in my underwear, grateful I’d worn matching pieces, I danced around the piano. He growled as I rubbed the tips of my fingers across his back, the beat of the music increasing to a near tribal pounding of his fingers against the keys.

He had such passion with the music, much like he did while fucking me. I could only imagine how he was in business, refusing to take no for an answer from anyone. He was without a doubt the most intriguing man I’d ever met, someone who ignored the rules at all costs.

Who was I to complain?

The thought made me laugh as I slid my hands down his chest, pressing my body against his back as he continued to play.

“You’re not finished yet,cherie. I need to see all of you, to bask in your sweet glory.”

I backed away once again, twirling around the piano. I grabbed my glass of wine, continuing to tease him as I dragged the tip of my tongue all the way around the rim of the glass. When I threw back too much of the warm wine, I almost choked, beads trickling from both sides of my mouth. I couldn’t help laughing as I rubbed the back of my hand across my lips.

The way his nostrils flared was demonstrative, exactly the kind of reaction I now expected from him. I left my wine on the piano, drifting into another sweet haze as I unfastened my bra, slowly easing one strap over my shoulder then the other, taking my time to shimmy out of it. When I held it out to the side, swinging it back and forth, he issued a series of guttural sounds.

When I dropped it, glancing over my shoulder, I was positive the man was ready to devour me. He switched up the music for a third time, his fingers moving at light speed, the darkness the bass keys presented stilling in every way. Yet he never blinked, never looked at the keys, only me as I slipped my fingers under the thin elastic of my thong, slowly easing it to the floor.

Fully naked, I flexed my fingers open, rubbing them roughly down from my neck to my chest, cupping and squeezing my breasts.

His breathing was more rapid, his fingers aggressively attacking the keys as his hunger continued to build. I was certain the man was going to hyperventilate.

As he lifted and cocked his head, I sensed a change in his demeanor, the need all consuming.

“Crawl to me,cherie. Now.”

There was something thrilling about the command and without hesitation, without forethought or concern, I did as he asked.

Yet I knew crawling to him would mean only one thing.

Admittance that I belonged to him.
