Page 41 of Scandal

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She said nothing, taking another sip of her wine before swinging around on the top of the piano, placing her wine beside her. “What I find interesting, Jonny, is that no one has heard me sing before. Why you? Why is it that you make me want to do things I’ve hidden away my entire life?”

As I got up from the bench, I thought about her question. “Because I’m not from your world, requiring you to be a certain way. With me, you can be yourself. Who am I to judge?”

She allowed her fingers to swirl circles on the piano’s surface, darting provocative looks in my direction. “You are definitely not like anyone I’ve ever met before. That’s why this is so unnerving. I feel uncomfortable around you yet it’s as if I’ve known you all my life.”

“Unnerving,” I repeated as I slowly walked to the back of the piano, planting my hands on either side of her legs. “Why is that?”

“Because I like it,” she breathed, slowly turning her head. “Maybe too much.”

“Tell me what you like. I need to know.”

Sedona took a deep breath. “Feeling as if I’m standing on the edge of a cliff peering down into the great unknown, but knowing that if I should fall, you’d catch me. That’s not something I’d ever experienced before. Isn’t that strange?”

“Not at all. Often strangers can allow us to become who we really want to be, free of the tight confines that society and those around us place on us.”

“Yes. Maybe I like it too much. That’s what scares me.”

I spun her around, keeping her knees bent as I placed her feet on the surface. Then I took my time using only my index fingers, sliding the rough pads along the insides of her legs. “Fear isn’t something to shy away from. It’s actually a formidable release of emotions, allowing you to feel alive when all else fails to do so. It’s also a powerful tool.” I studied her reaction, smiling as she opened her legs, exposing her pretty pink pussy for me.

“How so?”

“Please don’t tell me that you don’t use fear tactics inside your courtroom, prosecutor. I know better. You’re just like me, relentless in your business, learning that all men and women have something that scares them to death.” My gaze was following the actions of my fingers but as I swirled the tip of onearound her clit, I lifted it once again to her pursed lips and half-closed eyes, her skin shimmering from excitement.

“What scares you to death?” she murmured, her chest rising and falling as the electricity between us increased, crackling from our heightened need.

“Take a guess.”


“Try again,cherie.”

She opened her eyes wide. “Life.”

“Very good. Life is toxic and draining, dangerous yet exciting. What do you find most men are terrified of?”

“Incarceration. The inability to make their own decisions.”

“Yes, being unable to control what’s happening in powerful men’s life is damning.”

“Yet you have no fear of prison,” she said, almost as if she was surprised. “Why?”

“Because I would still be in control.” I drove the single finger into her tight channel, inhaling her increasing desire as she threw back her head. “What is your greatest fear, Sedona? What is the one thing that keeps you awake at night?” I added a second then third finger inside, plunging more roughly than before. When she opened her legs even wider, my cock was stretched full, so aroused that my balls were tight.

She continued to pant for a few seconds before lifting her head, her eyes glassy. “That’s easy. Not living life to its fullest, remaining in the drudgery of who and what I am.” She seemedembarrassed that she’d admitted it to a stranger, a man she knew very little about.

Except for all the bad things that she’d been led to believe. That excited her and in turn, ignited everything inside of me, a firestorm now brewing. I split her legs open, pressing down on her inner thighs, kissing one then the other before burying my head into her sweetness.

“You’re so wet,” I muttered.

“Oh. God, yes.” Her moans were as animalistic as every sound I’d made while being with her. The way she continued panting became even more exaggerated as her body shook uncontrollably. She fisted both hands, gently pounding them onto the piano, licking her lips every few seconds as if they were parched.

I held her wide open for several minutes, feasting on her sweet honey. Was it possible she tasted even more delectable than she had before? I wasn’t gentle as I’d been before, preferring to ravage her with my tongue and mouth, pushing her harder. If she wanted outside of her comfort zone, that’s exactly what she was going to get.

She pushed up from the piano, half laughing and half gasping as I continued my savage actions. I never took my eyes off her, amazed when her eyes became dilated. She’d never appeared more beautiful than she did to me at that moment, so much so I was torn between wanting to continue and satisfying the need that had my cock throbbing painfully.

When her body began to shake even more, goosebumps prickling her lovely skin, I drove several fingers into her tightchannel, pumping like a crazed man. Yet she resisted coming until I plunged my thumb into her tight asshole.

“Oh. My. God.” There was no need to command her to release, her muscles clamping around my tongue as she erupted, her juice filling my mouth.
